New Dutch helmet!

Designed purely to wind the “Moffen” up :smiley:

It say: Now…what ?

At the risk of being Wah’ed, where is the next world cup being held?

Germany…so what?

“Jetzt geht losss” is the equivalent of “let’s get it on”.

There are two other variants – “Aanvalluuuhhhhh!” (“Attack!” phonetically) and “hup holland hup” (“go Holland”)

Why are they using a German Helmet and German writing and not Dutch?

Only one of the three options is in German. In any case, it is designed to wind Germans up, and most Germans don’t speak Dutch.

My reading of why they are using that shape is that it is closely associated with the war, and will thus hopefully wind the Germans up.

Mine was posted today – I will hopefully receive it tomorrow or Thursday!

Oh my God!


I dont believe I got one in…

Sorry couldnt resist it, as I said before ages ago I used to work in a NATO post with both German and Dutch guys for 4 years…

CNUT :twisted:

Note to self – ALWAYS preface such responses with “PROWORD NOWAH”… :oops: