New guy

A newby signed up last night, but his bona-fides are unclear. He states his country to be Germany, but his IP is from Texas. further his IP shows up on Stop forum spam one time. He has made what seems at this time to be a legitimate post . I’m inclined to keep an eye on him for awhile.

It’s supposed to be a “she” it seems…and I guess she’s full of it.

Beware of Germans who are not from Germany!:wink:

I’m sensing an aly j type.

Look what I got (as a visitor message):

you’re a very rude person! I was excited to come to this website and maybe share my knowledge and interests, but you have made me not want to come back

She returned after all and keeps on posting…and I’m still sure she’s fake. I’d also say it’s Aly J if the IP would match…

There is something about Red’s avatar that keeps reminding me of aly j’s avatar at one point, and it did the first time I saw it.

I don’t think they’re the same pictures in the avatar. The previous one could have been a female and my vague recollection is that it faced the opposite way and was taken from a different angle.

If Red isn’t aly j, she’s pretty close to a clone with the usual mix of passive-aggressive comments trawling for a response to which she can respond with offence and or aggression, balanced with some apparently legitimate posts to some of which I’ve responded to see what happens or in case she really is just a helpless ****wit with a genuine interest in WWII.

As for her confected ignorance about her grandfather etc and her IP address being in Texas etc, she’s full of shit. So I reckon she’s full of shit, and will in due course be banned when she oversteps the mark.

She sent me a PM as well, and though on the surface it sounds legit, it still smells of phoney, and an Ali J clone. Her latest post about some guy’s pic is just juvenile for someone who wants to be all serious about history.
"I was just very very shocked. One day on this website, and I feel like I am being attacked by Neo-Nazis. I sent a letter to the master of this website with my anger and my offense.
And I have no idea on Earth why my IP says Texas. I’m not in Texas, not even close, I can tell you that. I am using a company laptop my Au Pair company gave me. Perhaps that is why? It has all sorts of blocks and restrictions on it. ??? Also, I am staying with a family of teenagers. They might troll, but they don’t use this computer. So I have no idea. But I am not a spammer or a troll. I did NOT give a false location (anyways, it even says put a false location if you don’t feel comfortable sharing). And I actually am related to Manfred von Richthofen, which I normally don’t profess, but I thought you history buffs would find interesting but apparently it offended you on so many levels. But like I said, I’m not here to prove anything. I came here for some help with some photographs, saw that there was a forum, thought I could contribute, and I’m attacked ruthlessly. I’m surprised this site has so many members if this is how you treat them. I am being honest with you, and if you still don’t believe me, I’m at a loss. Do I need to lie in order to be accepted?? If so, this isn’t worth my time. "

She doth protest too much.

Perchance tis timely proper to exclame “Out, Damn’d Spot!”