new idea

i am not sure whether this is a good idea or not, but remember i said it could be great if we can somehow write a script or something.

i have write about half of a chapter of it, and could that be a new activity?

i have think of the entire story, but i need to polish the detail

Chapter 1: Risen from Hell

A German Factory was under Police helicopter surveillances, along with backup ground support, and bringing up the rear, armored vehicles. Police were in their battle positions ready to attempt an assault on the factory. Guns were drawn and they were waiting for a signal from the command chief. They were facing insurmountable odds, against a terrorist group who had kidnapped the police chief’s son and wife. This took place while they were on their way to school, and the kidnapper demand that their colleagues in the prison to be release within 24 hours or the hostage will be dead. Telephone has been thrown into the building for communication purpose.

Police chief: “We are the police!” we have this building surrounded and there is no way of escaping. Release the hostages! The police and the government will not negotiate under threat.

Kidnapper (John) he is in despair, it is hard for him to contain his tears, his body has sustained injuries beyond words, and it is quite inevitable by the numerous scars, he still carries, they are all attributed to shell fragmentations and rogue bullets. which shows his past as an ex-soldier who fought for Germany in present – Africa war in 2023, he is about 1.78 meters tall and still manage to be handsome looking despite being old, white hair and liver spot all over his face; the group has chosen him to be the leader for his military experience. His respond would sound sarcastic.

John: “It’s ironic. We have a government? I didn’t know it exist all these years I have suffered, due to unemployment barriers, it has been a challenge getting assistances!” My wife and son both dyed due to hungry. I was unable to provide my family with shelter and food. did we get help from the government? No! Who pushed us to this situation where we need to rob for food to survive? I pledge my loyalty to Germany and in return it cost me my livelihood. and I was rewarded with this, don’t start this shit with me. I demanded that our colleagues to be release so that they can have their normal life again, it isn’t really a big demand because none of us would have do this if we have another choice.

Police chief: Come on, not only you are suffering from the economic downfall! There isn’t a good day ever since the 2020 disaster. I wish you understand my son and wife has nothing to do with this incident, and the situation would not be any better even you get your mission accomplished in here.

Police chief whispers to his subordinates, informing them that the negotiations have failed. He instructs them to prepare for an all out assault, since there are no other options available. He instructs the swat team, to prepare for the mission, while the police chief continues to distract kidnappers, creating senseless dialogue which allows the police to implement a rescue The police have kept their radio communications to bare mininum, diverting traffic, and keeping a low profile while operating under a stealth reconnaissance.

Suddenly, protected by police infantry units, a police armored tank has crashed into the factory. To the surprise of the kidnappers; one of the terrorists has manage to destroy the tank by firing a panzerchreck 340 at the tank, inspiring great fear among the police. The anti-tank unit is immediately killed by police #1

Kidnappers: score one for justices, general
John: With god helping us, we can fight them back. Our goal is to defend this factory at any cost. Then we will have more ground to negotiate with those police scum.

Police #1: Oh my god, the tank is gone, all units be careful
Police #2: Roger, roger

At first the kidnappers had the upper hand by position where snipers would shot far away from the main battlefield and not being notice by the police, but the police has overcome this with superior training and equipment. Both side exchange heavy fire, but the police has able to advance through the factory slowly. This BMW factory is now currently building a new weapon. It’s a robot artillery weapon that fires electricity at enemy, causing wide damage while the shooter can fire the weapon from a safe distance
Police #1: I was hit!

Police #2: let me help you

Police #2 tries to take the bullets from police#1’s body, but he was fried to death before police#1 can do anything

A Jewish police name Eugeny: we need to destroy the artillery or none of us would be going back home.

Police #2: what can we do, sergeant?

Eugeny: avoid being hit, stupid.

Eugeny to police chief through radio: This artillery weapon are firing at us with electricity, there is no way our current weapon can stop it. I suggest using missile U-567 to jam their weapon, it would jam our electric weapon away too, but it will worth the try.

The military has granted to fire the missiles, but it was intercepted by the kidnappers before it could do any damage to the artillery weapon. Police’s causality continues to increase and the advance had completely stopped.

Police#1: Sergeant, if we do not take that weapon fast, I doubt we are going home

Eugeny: I am going there myself

Eugeny went straight to the kidnapper’s base and start to attack with his MP-30 submachine gun. When Eugeny and his troops are near the kidnappers base, he ordered his subordinates to fire their anti tank weapon to three robotic arm. Almost all his subordinates accomplished this order before they die and cause the robot arm to fall into the artillery machine.

Despite the objection from the police chief, poison gas has been released to the factory. Both side’s troops are well equipped for this and the poison gas did nothing but to force both side to use special vision. A number of police forces had been killed due to traps set by the kidnappers. This time the police chief has given a signal to the helicopter to drop its elite force. The special force would get into the building from the top and taken important strategic points like store room for food and machines for water purification.

Kidnappers: General, most of the strategic points has been captured; it would be hard for us to fight a long war if we don’t take those points back from the police scum.

John: I know, its time for me to settle this.

John gives the hostages some food to eat before he leaves his command office and straight to the battlefield, he was immediately welcome by the elite force. His martial art has not been disappointed to his Chinese master as he ripped through the police force like there is no tomorrow, he become a public enemy from the police but none of the bullets manage to hit him. Eugeny jumped into the scene and kicked John from the back. They fight briefly and John wins in a convincing fashion, John has attempted to stab his knife and try to end Eugeny’s life, but Eugeny kicked him in the stomach and seriously injured John in the progress. John was pushed into an electric fan and was close to death. Before he died,

John: You are so naïve to think you have won the war, it is just the beginning. You think you have secured your children, chief? Well, apparently not. Ever thought what I give them for food?

He press on a button which result in an explosion from the police’s wife stomachs, the explosion is huge that flesh and bones are everywhere in the room. The victory has been won by the command of Eugeny and the police chief, but with one innocent hostage. The bomb in the police son’s stomach did not go off due to malfunction and he has to see his mum died in this horrible fashion.

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