New Job :D

I got a rather fat envelope in the post this afternoon, from the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. They’ve decided that they intend to offer me a job (but not an actual offer yet :rolleyes:) working on the Joint European Torus near Oxford, so in a couple of months time I’ll start work crawling around the inside of a rather large nuclear reactor in a bunny suit, while ensuring that nothing gets left inside where it might end up being heated to about 10 times the temperature of the centre of the sun.

All in all, it looks like being rather fun. And the pay rise doesn’t hurt either :smiley:


Just make sure you don’t get left inside the reactor. :smiley:

They’ll spot it if I do get left inside - it’s a giant vacuum vessel designed to run at around one part in a billion of atmospheric pressure. If anything watery is left inside it’ll never get down to that pressure, so they’ll open it up and take a look :slight_smile:

If I got left inside I would produce something watery, as well as something watery and browny from the other exhaust. :smiley:

How does an aeronautical engineer progress, or regress, to being an extravagantly paid porter on a nuclear reactor? :wink: :smiley:

Got a job out of university doing Turbomolecular Vacuum Pumps, which bear some remarkable similarities to jet engines. 5 years experience of that and I know rather a lot about vacuum - which is pretty much all this new job entails.

Yes, well, that’s something we all know a bit about. :confused: :wink: :smiley:

I’m guessing that I won’t get the job if I turn up with a Hoover. :smiley:


Congratulations on your new job. Though they do sound a bit fickle and seem to have trouble making definitive statements…:smiley:

Yeah, well, they did take about 2 months and a couple of interviews to decide I was the person they wanted (I applied at the end of September, and the earliest I could start is February).

Congrats from here too. If you start on the job, please remove the “working on things that go bang in the night” line on your profile page, it sounds frightening in connection with nuclear reactors.:wink:

And will you resign your commission from the Paramilitary wing of CAMRA? :slight_smile:

Will remove the “working on things that go bang in the night” comment - that’s my current job, not the new one!

As for the Paramilitary Wing of CAMRA, that’s just another name for the TA, which I’m currently still in…

Oh, and thanks to British Airways I’m going to be in New Jersey (with my Girlfriend + her family) for the forseeable future - my return flight is one of those probably affected by the strike. Tragic :smiley:

Is this tragic for:

(a) you
(b) your girlfriend
(c) your girlfriend’s family
(d) the residents of Noo Jooisey
(e) some of the above
(f) all of the above.

:wink: :smiley:


Weren’t you in Greenland or Iceland or somewhere similar a while back with your then girlfriend?

Are you two-timing the Noo Jooisey one or does she share your strange interest in places even colder than Noo Jooisey?

Nope, I was in Iceland with my SISTER. You, sir, are a filthy-minded individual!

You’ve finally just realized this? :mrgreen:

No, I just thought it needed emphasis in the circumstances!
Oh, and I was in Buffalo at lunchtime today - it was on the way, and my better half loves chicken wings…

On the way to the (Niagara) Falls I presume.

The funny thing about chicken wings is that they’re the easiest thing in the world to make, and yet it’s almost impossible to find anyone who can outside the Western New York area. Enjoy your stay, you might find yourself here (in the states) for the duration like my English friend who married a local girl and now sells Porsches. I think he just likes the fact that people automatically assume he’s sophisticated just because he has the proper accent… :slight_smile:

The thought has crossed my mind…

Am I missing something here, about the complexity of cooking chicken wings?

It ain’t that hard in a Weber charcoal kettle, which also does very nice beef and pork ribs, and every other sort of meat.

Using the right marinade and or some wet hickory or other chips ain’t exactly rocket surgery.

I can’t believe that some of the few hundred million Yanks who live outside the Western New York area haven’t mastered cooking chicken wings.

Or are your local chicken wings cooked in some other way?

He’s English.

That means he probably realised it long ago, but was too polite to mention it.

Unlike uncouth Yanks and Aussies. :smiley: