New Movie "Flags of Our fathers"

Check this web site out…posted by an extra from the movie.

i heard that spielberg might direct that.

What’s the film actually about, anyone know?

I can guess what it will be made to be about.

Yanks in Europe?

From the photos on the website, it looks like marines in the Pacfic. Maybe about the famous flag raising on Iwo jima?

Editted to add, I just made my lazy Arse search for references:

If its the film of the book I may be right.

Didn’t think of that.

you were too fast, see above.

The movie is based on the book “Flags of Our Fathers.” Its about the American invasion of Iwo Jima at the end of the war. It follows the 6 famous marines who raised the flag at Iwo Jima. Clint Eastwood is directing it. It is due to come out some time in 2006.

The original ones or the ones in the second photo?

im not sure if the 6 marines will be a fictional 6 marines that raise the flag in the movie, or if the marines will be based on the actual marines that raised the flag in real life. i think for movie making purposes, they will make the 6 marines fictional.

I mean were the six guys that raised the flag the first time, the same 6 who raised it for the photo the second time? 3 of those died on Iwo and I think 2 ended up alcoholics, not too sure on that though.

i believe that they were, but im not sure. i also read that the original 6 didnt fare well after the flag raising.

Flags of Our Fathers is based on a New York Times Bestseller book (year 2000) of the same name and is about a man’s quest to learn more about his father, a medical corpsman in WWII at the Battle of Iwo Jima. More than 22,000 Japanese soldiers would die defending a patch of ground a third the size of Manhattan.

The battle would produce one of World War II’s most enduring images: a photograph of six soldiers raising an American flag on the top of Mount Suribachi, the island’s commanding high point.

The heart of the book centers around the tragic life stories of the six men who raised the flag that February day–one an Arizona Indian who would die following an alcohol-soaked brawl, another a Kentucky hillbilly, still another a Pennsylvania steel-mill worker–and who became reluctant heroes in the bargain.

Like the book, the movie is expected to focus on what happened to the men after the famous battle. The men in the photo–three were killed during the battle–were proclaimed heroes and flown home, to become reluctant symbols. For two of them, the adulation was shattering. Only John Bradley truly survived, displaying no copy of the famous photograph in his home, telling his son only: “The real heroes of Iwo Jima were the guys who didn’t come back.”

The movie script for Flags of Our Fathers will try to show the difference between truth and myth, the meaning of being a hero, and the essence of the human experience of war.

sounds like a cool movie. it is interesting that they are going to focus more on the life of soldiers after the war, which was often just as trying as life during the war, instead of making just another action film. but, do you know if this movie is going to be about the actual battle at all, or be strictly post war, with maybe some flashbacks.