New Server

Hello again!

I know the last few weeks have been rough. I am always trying my best to give you the best user experience on here. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy as we saw with the virus last time.
A few days ago I received a pleasant email from our web host. They have upgraded their entire dedicated server line and I want to take advantage of their latest offer. Switching to a new server will add a much faster CPU (what we need most on here), hardware raid, and most importantly it is about $50/month cheaper!
As soon as I have the time slot for the upgrade, I will update this post.

Update: The server upgrade will be performed tonight at 11PM Eastern time. The entire process will take about 1 hour. I don’t know how much of this will be downtime.

Cool. Thanks for doing all this mate.

Yep, thanks Procyon!

Your work is much appreciated…thanks.

All done. You’re all welcome.