New Supermod?

Do we need to have one of us promoted to Supermod? Firefly hasn’t been in for a while, and as I understand it he does have some powers that the rest of us don’t. student-scaley’s current dilemma over his username got me wondering…

Having said that, when checking Firefly was on here last week, so maybe I’m being a bit premature…

Redundancy is good to have, especially during the holiday season. Put it to the high Elders of Olympus.

I do check as often as I can but have to admit that I hardly post these days so having another super mod wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Up to you guys who have been soldering on throughout.


Not me. pdf 27 qualifies by seniority and experience.

Besides, it would cut into your web cam career… :slight_smile:

Now there’s a truly horrible thought!

I can’t imagine why.

I’d leave my face out of the picture.

Seriously, pdf 27, are you interested?

You probably know more about how this site works, and how to work it, than most or all of the mods who became mods after you.

PDF or Nick, count me out, I’m an IT 'Tard.

Yeah, I’d be happy to do it - the actual additional work would be minimal. Just don’t want anyone thinking I’m trying to launch a coup or something, hence not saying that I was willing to do it…

I thought I already was a supermod. :evil:

I’ll do it if pdf can’t or is otherwise necessary…

Pick a person, I’ll do the update. :slight_smile:

Looks like it’s me then…

Looks like it’s you then.

Good luck.

To quote Messrs Clarkson, Hammond and May, how hard can it be?

Well done that man for breaking the never volunteering rule.

Yeah, like I said: Good luck.

Actually, the mods and the board are so harmonious that for a crazy moment or two I thought about nominating PK as the new supermod. It’d end in tears, but it’d give the board a lift it’s been missing since PK and sundry nutters and trolls gave up on us. :frowning:

Probably no harder than they found it, plunging into areas where they, like you, had no experience. :wink: :smiley:

I hope you have a really big tractor. :smiley:

Alas poor PDF, We’d warned him not to volunteer…