New Topics

I have started to think that the forum is getting a wee bit stale. I have decided to not only go for my good posting medal but try and pull people away from the fantasy stuff of German secret inventions and concentrate on ww2 instead.

To this end I started the Bomber Command Topic. In future weeks I hope to add a German Luftwaffe Bombers Topic and a USAAF topic. Hopefully we can engage in some decent discussions on these.

Maybe other Mods can start similar Topics to generate a wealth of new material that can be discussed. Guys like Henk and Twitch etc seem to post a lot, but it seems they are only interested in what if Topics in the main.

I think we should try and steer the Forum away from this endless round of what if and concentrate on what did!

Good point. GUYS Grab some stuff from the history channel or discovery that you hear and post it.

BTW Dont worry about the staleness…it happens. At one point we were so bored we tought about letting IRONMAN come back. :lol: The lull will lift i assure you. :wink:

Off-topic: :wink:

I think of setting some rules on quiz threads:
If a question is not answered correctly in 48 hours, the questions poster has 24 hours to ask another question. If the poster has not asked a new question after 24 hours, anyone can ask a question. If the poster’s second question is still not answered correctly after 48 hours, anyone can ask a question.

Once a question is answered, and verified as correct by the person who set it, the person who answered the question correctly has 24 hours to ask a new question. If a new question is not asked within 24 hours, then anyone can ask a new question.

How about some kind of insentive for the quiz program. We’ve talked about it before but never came to any conclusions. Any ideas?

I don’t know what means insentive. Awards/rewards?

Its incentive.

It means giving someoene a reason or prize to do something that they may not otherwise want to.

i.e. ‘Danni I will give you 5 pounds to jump off that 200 meter Cliff’.

I see! :smiley:

Is this kind of topics allowed…?

I hope that he is just joking…otherwise…im not really sure what to say. :shock:

He will be nipped in the bud soon enough, I have already given him a subtle warning, and no I dont think he is joking!

that is just rediculous

I would not say that we should ban him for it but it is close to the same level of IRONMAN stuff.

Anyway, his IP leads to Portugal

Is a relief…I tough that he was Erwin. :roll:

no, that might be him after all
because he has a hacking program that leads people thought he is from other places

Damn… :?

I doubt that it’s Erwin. It’s not his style. I rather think that is another guy from stormfront (WASP power bla-bla)

I wouldnt worry about him, we get these Nutters from time to time and none of them have lasted too long.

Could this topic be deleted ?

Firstly either FW or Gen should ban Portman7.