New Usergroups

We would like suggestions for new Usergroups if any members feel it may be appropriate.

The Falklands/Malvinas Usergroup has been going for quite a while now and has been successfull with a lot of good in-depth discussion on a single subject.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a similar type of group? It can be on almost any military subject.

Thoughts please.

Same rules for the falklands will apply to keep the unwanted wackos from joining. But if there are interests in other wars. Whatever that war may be…I will be more than happy to take the idea under consideration.

how about a world war 1 usergroup?
or the war @ iraq 1and2?

i think the admin is trying to have those website anyways
so it might be a good test for him

Gulf war sounds good to me!

Yes I think the Iraq war/ war on terrorism could be a good usergroup topic.

So, I think I have a great recruitment poster for Gulf War usergroup… :roll:

Regards, :slight_smile:


Replaced with a link by Dani.

A little anoying poster… isnt :roll:

i agree

Sure, its crazy. I hope you understand that this was just a joke… :slight_smile:
Remove it if it’s really that bad … :wink:



Is not that bad…so far.

Just out of curiosity, is the 101st still running?

Also a good user group could be the OSS or Clandestine!

No, 101st was disbanded.

Oh bugger! If only I had learnt that from a PM! Ah it happens.

This would be interesting, but my experience is that this could also be a very nasty, divisive topic…

I see this in an old topic. I wonder if I can join?

You don’t need permission to discuss. Just type!

Isn’t the user group in a forum that is not visible to nonmembers?

I think what he means for permission to talk in this thread. What I am saying is, is that you do not need to permission to type in open threads.

yea i also think the vietnam war and anti terrorism would be great topics

I am sure you mean threads and not user groups. A Vietnam thread has already been posted. Not sure where though!