New WWII movie - Tom Cruise + Me109s, etc.

Maybe the great God Xenu will save him? :slight_smile:

I’m not a great Tom Cruise fan as one can guess, he’s decent in certain roles, but not a very versatile actor by any means. We’ll see if he can pull this off. Incidentally, there was a made for TV film on Count von Stauffenberg made in like the late 1970s or early 80s, but it wasn’t very good…

Wrong actor for that role.

Are you kidding? Tom Cruise looks so much like the real von Stauffenberg.

The real Claus von Stauffenberg (when he had both of his eyes):

Tom Cruise as von Stauffenberg:

Ohh… i want to watch this movie with Tom Cruise.

Hmm, looks isn’t everything, I just think Tom Cruise to shallow an actor to really get to the ground of such a character. I don’t really like him either, just like Nickdfresh, so my opinion is of course deeply tainted.

I think there might be some Scientology-related ulterior motives on Cruise’s part for this film also…

I will say that I don’t think Cruise is a terrible actor. He does have his moments and is fine as long as he sticks to a narrow type of cocky, obnoxious but charming sort of character. I think he’s out of his depth here. But I have to say that I was actually pleasantly surprised with his performance in “Eyes Wide Shut,” opposite his ex-wife Nicole Kidman (ooof!). So who knows?..

He does look quite a bit like him though…

I dont mind Cruise and he has made some good movies. In that movie clip though he looks like a guy who has both hands. Now they may CGI him but in Africa he lost his right hand and two fingers from his left as well as his eye. Surely they must be able to get this tiny fact right? If not it does not bode well for any accuracy in this movie.

I’m afraid this film will be untrue propagandistic crap, like major part of all American war films. :roll:

NOT a big fan of Tom Cruise. His films have gone down hill here lately and he ruined the new version of “War Of The Worlds”, where he just didn’t fit in.

We’ll see when the film comes out … on rental though! :roll:

In my very honest opinion it is a shame.
Cruise would serve better in representing someone from ‘the other side’, than someone of the resistance against Hitler, because he is like those blinded by a, let’s say strange, organisation.
The worst thing about that was, that the son of Stauffenberg who had gone in court against Cruise representing his father, became not right to stop the production of the film - infront of a American Court.

tom cruise is basically doing an american accent.
kenneth branaugh is doing his british accent and the ones who have german accents are probably the german actors. This thing looks like Robin Hood II :neutral:

Valkyrie: Trailer!

Personally, I don’t care if it’s another Pearl Harbor because that’s what got the kids all interested in WWII. It usually takes someone to be entertained before they can be interested in something. Besides, we have enough chainsaw massacre films out there in the market, I’ll welcome any film that shows ME109s, JU52s, Panzers, etc! It’s not like we get to see them every 5 years. Yes, poor Tom will never be thought of as a “great” actor, but he sure puts butts in the seats when these kinds of films need to make money.

I second that, I will surely go to see it but probably not in theatres or might catch it with RifleMan20.

The costuming looks good… I’m a Branaugh fan… can’t really stand much Cruise but I can sit through it if the sotry and everything else is good. I never would have guessed Eddie Izzard taking a part in a film like this though, doesn’t seem like his thing. I hope it is good.