Next US President!

I know alot of you are not Americans but if you were who would you vote for???

Obama likes Sarkozy.
And Sarkozy is a disaster. (38% of positive opinion)
Then Obama is worrying.

Clinton may be fine.

i am neither sexist nor racist, but i honestly do believe that if Obama is elected president he will be assassinated , and seeing how most of US foreign policy is centered around the middle east (where Muslim customs prevail over all) i cant imagine a female president working out too well either

I don’t think we non-Americans understand the nuances of American politics well enough to offer you a genuine response.

It’s time for change in America, but Obama and Clinton both seem rather gimmicky.

Hukabee, I have absolutley no knowledge of other than, I assume, he is Republian. Therefore, I think, on balance I would have to go for McCain - even though I am contradicting myself regarding change - he seems to me to be rather moderate, if not liberal.

What I want to know is where is a character like TR when you need it? That would make a great president.

So here’s the question–>what has changed, I honestly don’t think TR could get elected today, given the climate?

Maybe I’m wrong…but that’s what I think…

It’s a different age, my friend. He was a child of his times.

I dunno. I watch the news from time to time and all I see is the usual round of sniping by all sides. Dragging up insignificant details from their pasts as if no one has ever done anything wrong as a President or candidate before.

I sure as heck know one thing about becoming a President, whoever you are it takes a huge amount of cash. This cash doesnt come without a price and so to a great extent wheover becomes President owes a lot to whoever funded their campaign. This in itself leaves everything open to corruption, kickbacks and political agendas towards any backers.

SO whoever gets elected after this long and often tedious process that you US citizens seem to insist on having end up owing something to someone.

Just my view…

Now i like john mcain but unfortunetly barack seems to be the choice but god i hope hillary fails

i dont know much abt all 4 of them, but, afro american become a US number 1,. must be something.

He knows that he has a chance to be killed and he chooses to continue. It’s his own problem, not ours.

Translation: “I’m not sexist but because some other country are sexist, US shall be sexist also.” You are sexist !

What was the name of the lady that lost against Sarkozy in the French elections?

Segolène Royal

Didn’t the majority of French female voters support Sarkozy instead of Segolène Royal even though Royal was a woman?

What do you mean by ‘ours’?

Are you being sexist?

Translation: “I’m not sexist but because some other country are sexist, US shall be sexist also.” You are sexist !

Your response is sexist!

Margaret Thatcher was female - who could imagine having sex with her?..well, Denis, I guess, bless him.

Yes because French woman are more religious and conservative, then they vote for right-wing.
I was making fun of overlord644 because i don’t think that because some country are sexist, US shall be sexist. I think on the contrary, if a woman prove that she is able to manage a huge country, after that it can be more easy for all the woman in the world to get power.
Same thing, with Obama and black people but there are more woman in the world than black people (because there are black woman!). Then permit to woman to be powerful is more an emergency.

MT didn’t do women any favours in Britain - once bitten twice shy.

Yes there are those that admired her, but they are not voting for another.

Well, in recent history, a few women come to mind that have risen to positions of power in their respective countries: Golda Meir (Israel), Margaret Thatcher (UK), Tansu Ciller (Turkey), and Angela Merkel (Germany). Just a few examples, there are probably more.


how’s that? i specifically stated that i wasnt a sexist because, being a resident of the US, i have seen plenty of people who oppose Hillary Clinton (and believe me there are plenty of them) insulted with that term simply because there opposing a female politician.

And as for Obama’s assasination being “his problem not ours”; i couldn’t disagree more. The vice-president is chosen by the president not elected. In fact the average voter probably wont even bother to look into the political views of the V.P. because that position isnt really all that important. However if Obama is elected and is killed, well than that pushes this unimportant figure head into the oval office. So if Obama has a lousy V.P. than the whole country is screwed.

I oppose hilary, she’ll turn us in to a communism, am for obama

What about Stephen Colbert?