Nightraid - British Forces | Gallery


Truck-mounted anti-tank guns, used as highly mobile, hard-hitting artillery units, speed over the desert and attack the enemy from all sorts of unexpected quarters. A mobile anti-tank unit of the Eighth Army in action, somewhere in the desert, Libya, on July 26, 1942. taken from fb/alex de groot

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2 pounder nice night photo, here is a day photo
Yahoo Image Search…&p=british+anti+tank+mobile+ww2&oid=049885addcde1ed68ca781bc787cb94e&fr2=piv-web&fr=sfp&tt=%3Cb%3Eanti%3C%2Fb%3E-%3Cb%3Etank%3C%2Fb%3E+gun%2C+1941%3B+This+photograph+shows+a+2-pounder+%3Cb%3Eanti%3C%2Fb%3E-%3Cb%3Etank%3C%2Fb%3E+…&b=181&ni=21&no=226&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=124d7jkkg&sigb=13p20goq6&sigi=11mln57tt&sigt=13006u84s&sign=13006u84s&.crumb=48Meb5ZCJLE&fr=sfp&fr2=piv-web

A comment on FB said a ‘6 pounder’.I had my doubts about it,so I didn’t mention it.Thanks for confirming it being a 2 pounder ;)The muzzle flash is a big give away of the position.Hit and run I’d say.Was a 2 pounder effective against Pz IV’s??

Hello brummbar, I believe that at least the sides of early Panzer IV tanks could be penetrated by the 2-pounder at reasonable ranges. I doubt however that this was still the case with the variants available in July 1942.