No fun with the hun???

Hi everybody. I’d like to add my two cents regarding the recent unpleasant occurrences on the site involving fueling racial hate by alleged germans.
I tryed to stay out of all the debates as long as possible cause I am enjoying the forum too much to deal with this negative attitude.
But now it seems that the number of verbal aggressive germans is increasing rapidly. Sure, their output has to be called clumsy but as it provokes statements like “thick teutonic skulls” I thimk it’s time to intervene.
As I already mentioned we’re dealing with alleged germans here, either living in other countries for whatever reasons or calling themselves “(swiss) german americans” -whatever this means. Now the next one -with an “always faithful” nickname tells us about how he hates russians. Not to forget that the members in question all to seem minors.
What I really like to say is that you guys should remember that the “real” germans on the site, this means established ones like e.g. Drake and Flammpanzer or relative newbees like myself and tank expert Sergej (who comes from Siberia with a german background as I assume, please correct me if I am wrong), try to add useful input to the site and would never lower themselves to those kinds of statements. PEACE!

P.S. In my opinions it’s a Solomonian decision of Firefly to ban Stevey for “just” three weeks and not permanently since I “know” him from the photo section for a couple of months now and think he is a funny guy if he’s not on the warpath and starting paradoxal threats like “Stevey14/88 no Nazi” (ouch, this bites!). Like Firefly I am sure the guy can be worked on and it’s not too late for him to change attitude since he’s very young. But, Stevey, you and me had this issue before and I still don’t believe you to be german!

P.P.S Let’s not forget about humor, a little picking on each other is okay I think, since americans, british, australian and canadians here are permanantly doing so. Yes, in contrary to general opinion, germans have some humor too. Personally I’d be the last not to laugh about a little making fun of germans like “Hogan’s Heroes” or “Saving Private Ryan”.

I have german background but am Canadian and I didn’t find the writings that are fueling racial hate by alleged germans. Maybe I am looking at the wrong pages…but thank you for your feedback and note well taken.tx.

As the author of the ‘thick Teutonic skull’ piece, I can assure you that all my comments were directed to Nazis and not to Germans who weren’t Nazis.

To the extent that my comments may have indicated otherwise, it wasn’t intended.

If you read my posts you will find that I have made the point repeatedly that modern Germany is opposed to a resurgence of Nazism.

As am I.

Which is why I don’t give any quarter in conflicts with neo-Nazis, whether or not they claim to be German or of German descent.

No misunderstanding, I didn’t expect you to be anti-german and it’s a logic consequence to use phrases like this. Hell, we are (partially) teutonic and have (partially) thick heads. I just wanted to point on the danger of generalizing. It’s your god-given right to attack Neo-Nazis whether they’re from Germany or anywhere else.

Heman, I think it all occured during your forced vacation lately.

LOL.Ya thats true!

Yeah, we do seem to have had a large number of wannabe Germans cropping up of late. Personally I think it’s just that teenage boys at a certain age think Nazi Uniforms are really, really cool and that the Nazis were a great bunch really. Due to the way that at that age their brain really doesn’t work very well they therefore identify with Nazis and it appears want to be German. There is certainly no sign of them actually being able to speak German - the total lack of response to Stoaty’s questions in German being strongly indicative of this.

That’s exactly the reason why I suspect Stevey to be as german as the London Brigde or Fish 'n Chips. Beyond the internationally known Third Reich phrases and salutes there was nothing much of knowledge of german language. He tried but to me it was obvious that’s just an english text translated by some free-ware internet translation site, sounded like these japanese manuals for remote controls…Anyway, Stevey, no hard feelings or just prove me wrong. When you come back in 20 days, maybe it’s the occasion to start all over with a true identity and maybe a little modified user name. As you never claimed to be a veteran yourself I am sure all can be forgiven.

I must admit I find it difficult when people go at Stevey with attitudes and language that is as racist as his. I think I’ve kept my cool and try and be a bit clever (you may disagree). As a 14-16 yr old I devoured Hassell, Kessler and any other war porn that came along, I admired the fighting spirit of the SS etc but never actually wanted to be one. However young men make poor choices my signature is the badge of the 31st SS, a Division I have studied and it consisted of some volunteers who at 15 and 16 joined what was obviously the losing side to defend their homeland against the perceived enemy, the Red Army which was about to invade their land. I have some sympathy because at that age I probably would have too.

But I still will pile into him or any other pretend Nazi because if we prevent one being that stupid it’s worth it.

I don’t post much, as I’m not near as knowledgeable as a lot of people here on the subject of the site. But I do quite a bit of reading of the forum threads. And I find it all quite interesting with the different nationalities and their opinions. There may be germans, russians, british, etc. in the city where I live, but not in my circles, so this has been kind of a treat getting to know some people I wouldn’t have otherwise. And to read and interact about ww2. So, hopefully I won’t tread on anyones toes.

By the way, speaking of “huns”, do you know the story why this term stuck to Germans?

No, just know that the english are supposed to call us that and that we actually have nothing to do with huns by any means.

Do you mean you know the story and it’s a quiz, or you want to know where the term came from?

If the latter, ever heard of Attila the Hun? The Goths, Visigoths, Vandals, etc? If you’d had a Catholic education, which was big on people who threatened to sack ancient Rome, you’d know about Attila and the Huns.

The Huns were probably more closely associated with what became Hungary than the Germanic barbarian tribes.

Yes, it is kind of a quiz. :slight_smile:
I read it recently but do not remember the detail right now. I will ytry to find it again…
Roughly speaking it was German Keiser Wilhelm (I or II?) who used term “huns” in verbal address to the German corps, which was about to embark to China for somekind of retaliation attack because Chinese raided German offices or something. So Keiser Wilhelm told them to go there and show and do what huns did to Europe. And then it came from there to this:

and there :

Right… It was part of the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion in 1899-1901.
German troops in particular were criticized for their enthusiasm in carrying out Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany’s July 27 order:
[INDENT]“Make the name German remembered in China for a thousand years so that no Chinaman will ever again dare to even squint at a German.[ Eugene, Melvin. Sonnenburg, Penny M. [2003] (2003). Digitized 2006. Colonialism: An International, Social, Cultural, and Political Encyclopedia. ISBN 1576073351 ]”
The speech, in which Wilhelm invoked the memory of the 5th century Huns, gave rise to the British derogatory name “Hun” for their German enemy during World War I and World War II.

You are absolutly right.
Actualy all the Real GErmans in site are very polite and contributes a lot of interesting stuff for our company.Drake , you ,Flammpanzer and my former countryman Sergey :slight_smile: are very welcomed here IMO.
As i know INDEED the most of the Nacis/SS admireres have the anglo-saxon origin, mostly from USA but sometimer ( rare) from Britain.
They usialy have nothing common with Real GErmans and learning their Rasists views mostly from Western revisionists and pro-nazis extremists writers.( That also mostly non-Germans).
So in fact the GErmans extremists are very rare in Web.

P.S. In my opinions it’s a Solomonian decision of Firefly to ban Stevey for “just” three weeks and not permanently since I “know” him from the photo section for a couple of months now and think he is a funny guy if he’s not on the warpath and starting paradoxal threats like “Stevey14/88 no Nazi” (ouch, this bites!). Like Firefly I am sure the guy can be worked on and it’s not too late for him to change attitude since he’s very young. But, Stevey, you and me had this issue before and I still don’t believe you to be german!

I really wonder that Firefly has not banned him forever.
As i said from most beginning the Stevey nicname ( 14/88) don’t imply he can change his Race views.The right place for him is the WhiteNational forums- there a plenty of it around the globe already.
So this stupid kid should not be allowed to express his race-hate views PUBLICALY, AT LEAST in our forum.

Some info about the Keiser Wilhelm’s speaches:

Hmm…just another sign of poor education. Up here…youngsters don’t even know much about ww2 anymore.

IMHO, these kind of posts (racist ones) should be dealt with quickly and decisively.

Unfortunately, due to previous experience with mods banning people inappropriately anyone with more than a very small number of posts can only be banned by Firefly, General Sandworm or WW2Admin - none of whom are around very much.

First, as an aside before making a “proposal:” I may be over-something (e.g., -reacting, -reaching, -nit-picking), here, but the following just hit me. I know what FTG meant and that he was speaking casually, so this isn’t anything in his regard, but…

It’s your god-given right to attack Neo-Nazis whether they’re from Germany or anywhere else.

I just wanted to state/remind that whether or not that right is God-given, it was a right that might have been lost some 55 or 60 years ago, had it not been for those who redeemed it with their blood, tears, limbs and lives. I guess I’m just having a “Lest we forget…” moment here, and it was a strong one, so I let it out…

In any case, and not to go off-topic, I’d like to make a formal suggestion to the site administrators. I’ve stated elsewhere that I have mixed feelings about Stevey getting banned or not. I think the Mod’s decision was probably fair and appropriate – and it’s not like he can’t be banned-for-life in the future if he doesn’t change some things. And that’s where my suggestion comes in: I DO think that TWO of those things that ought to be required of him are 1) losing the “14/88” and 2) the prevention of his using the SS avatar or anything similar.

The first I would like to suggest become a site policy: that anyone who opts for a log-in name containing such blatantly racist/neo-Nazi symbology be presented with an immediate choice: change it within 24 hours or get banned. I think such names not only promote ideals many find to be offensive, but, just by being out there publicly, may also attract like-minded individuals to the site. I know others have voiced the same opinion; I’m just offering a draft wording of the rule as a starting point for discussion (if anybody wants to do so). And because they have shown themselves to have a propensity along such lines, when they are given their 24 or be banned notice, they should also receive an “official” warning about making racist/neo-Nazi posts, which if they ignore, they get banned.

The second change (avatar) is something I’m less sure about becoming a policy, but I do think it is something appropriate for this individual. I am glad his “SS” avatar is now gone, but I’m not sure if that will remain the case once he returns from his “vacation.” I think ruling out anything to do with the SS (including photos of soldiers, unit badges, symbols, or ANYTHING) as an avatar may also serve as a subtle reminder to him to “behave” every time he sees it. As a broader policy though, I have mixed thoughts – simply because, as somebody has already pointed out, there are lots of kids who think “SS” is “cool,” without understanding what they were really all about. While I personally would like to see that happen, I am also afraid it might open a can of worms: if somebody were to feel, for instance, that a Red Guards badge is promoting Stalinism or something like that. I mean, who would be the judge,and what would be the criteria? And if and when avatars becomes a “problem,” we can deal with it then.

So, that’s my thinking and the suggestion: Site-wide ban against log-in names containing neo-Nazi are racist components, and for Stevey as an individual, policing his avatar as necessary (or if that’s too much trouble, and if it’s possible to do so, just take away his ability to use an avatar, period).

What do you all think? And would the administrators here be open to such suggestions from members in any case?