Normandy 1944 - US Army | Gallery

Normandy 1944

I found a series of photo's from the Normandy 1944 period.No info on the photos as to where/when exactly.I'll post some of them,maybe someone can recognise a place or time. I like this first one because it looks as if the WW1 statue is standing on top of the armored car. Greetz,brummbar

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The dead soldiers monument is behind the armoured car… I never see this type of armored car ! I always thought I knew all vehicles! The WW2 is really wide !

Translated from the french caption I found for this photo (some modification and I left some out as it did not make sense)
A Morris Light Recconnaissance Car MK II (4x4) named "CAROL" , on July 4, 1944, in front of the War memorial church of Norrey en Bessin.

French caption
Un véhicule blindé Morris Light Reconnaissance Car MK II (4x4) baptisé " CAROL ", le 4 juillet 1944, devant le Monument aux morts et l’église N D des Labours de Norrey en Bessin.
Remarquez le 40 (côté avant à droite-sur la photo-un peu en dessous de l’anneau de levage, sur le blindage partie inferieure).40 blanc sur fond bleu soit HQ Royal Engineers (R.E) d’une British ID ou HQ Royal Canadian Engineers (R.C.E) de la 3rd Canadian ID