I doubt it very much!!!
Even in the UK there are a few ex - WW2 bunkers (nothing on the scale that the germans built). I think they were built in the late 30’s and early 40’s when the UK faced invasion. The ones I have seen were largely brick construction with a thin 6"-12" concrete roof and a few 6"x6" windows to fire rifles through. They were largely located near airfields or possible paratrooper landing sites and I think were manned by local home guard or perhaps Army units.
I used to play in several of these as a kid and anything that could have been taken was taken a long time ago. I expect the bunkers in Norway, France etc are all exactly the same - empty.
Out of interest someone on this site posted this link a few weeks ago http://www.serpentswall.com/ This site suggests that there are still some bunkers near Kiev (Ukraine) that are still sealed from the war. If so I would love to investigate a few of those - though probably very dangerous too - but I’d take the chance!
Finally there are a few old abandoned WW2 airfields in the UK where the living quarters still contain the original funriture and beds etc - albeit not in good condition an dsome have been used as cow sheds etc, but they give a feel for what they looked like at the end of the war.