
Did anybody see this special on the History channel, I thought it was very interesting including the 3 anti christ who were Napolean, Hitler, and now people say Osama Bin Landin, it was very interesting and I saw the prediction of the end of the world, scary which I hope is not true, but he did predict the happening of 9/11, This guy is amazing, makes you think

Correction in title, its spelled Nostradamus, sorry

The History Channel show was it called Decoding Nostradamus

right, i keep messing up the title, and the lost book of nostradamus

I don’t believe in him or any of his thoughts - anyone can say then: Yes that was what he was thinking - but how can i know what he is thinking???
But i also don’t believe in all this Astrology sh’t which claims for itself to be a scientific orientated work like Astronomy.

But what i know is that this guy also said, that the third Antichrist will die when he is 27 - so Osama bin Laden is way older than 27 or he has a good stylist …

I don’t believe he predicted anything. It’s like the bible code, a statistical pattern in which you will find certain things which seem to make sense from your point of view. When you toss around enough vague statements (or letters in bible code case, let a monkey use a typewriter and you’ll find the same patterns), then sooner or later something will occur which seems to fit to the “prophecy”.

Nostradamus is a big fake…if anyone wants to impress me, let me know about events like 9-11 before they happen not after. Nostradamus is for people with weak minds.

Dont sweat it Rifleman, not everyone likes Nostradamus,but that doesnt matter. You like what you want to, and ignore anyone else. You might also like to read up on Edgar Casey, he is quite an interesting fellow as well. Never be afraid of learning something new.

Check out this Penn And teller…

If you really think Nostradamus “predicted” 9/11, watch the old film on him featuring the wasted talents of Orson Wells as its narrator…

Great entertainment, but proof positive that these “quatrains” can be interpreted as anything and are useless in predicting anything…

Let the young man make his own choices as to what he likes, just as you have made yours. The only weak mind, is a closed mind.

The easter Bunny and santa are fake too…But I love santa… i wanna keep an open mind…Dont let the truth get in the way of a good story.

That’s all fine, but he should make up his mind based on all the facts and evidence…

I’m not a super skeptic, but the Nostradamus stuff has been continually misrepresented through the years…

Personaly me don’‘t believe in Nostradamus’s ( or somebody else) fary talles.
If you give the any histrorical events and will put it into the certain context - you would “predict” the any Catastrope in furure.
Actually you do not need to be a Nostradamus to know the mankind will be ended by the Great Armageddon;) if we will continie to move the in such way.
(The many world religion "predicts’ the Catastrophe via the Great FLOOD - they need the Great thing to hold the people in FEAR)
Today even the scientists have invented its OWN mass bogy - the Great Asteroid that would finish the life in Eath:)
They simply need more money for themself;)
Everybody needs a Great terrible BOGY - for its own interests. Even the politics ( the “World terrorism” and ets)

Failed end-of-the-world predictions

63 - 30 ce to 1990
21 - 1990 to 1997
23 - 1998
45 - 1999
42 - 2000
13 - 2001
5 - 2002
4 - 2003
4 - 2004
5 - 2005
15 - 2006

I know many dont believe in him, I dont have to much faith in him either its just that its very interesting, I know some people dont believe in Greek or Roman myths but they teach lesson and happenings, all am saying is that Nostradamus is some interesting guy that had predictions that are accurate which is kind of scary, not saying am a believer, am saying am a researcher, learn something today, learn somthing new tommorow

Hi Rifleman, I couldnt of said it any better. My post is nothing against you just trying to show both sides of the story. An example of these guys is John Hogue…He rewrites his books when his predictions dont happen…Now Thats B.S.

The predictions are only accurate if you interpret them to be.

If I could see 100% of what would happen tomorrow, the very fact that I had seen it would lock out all other possibilities from occurring…

If you take away chance as an element of the universe, then you also remove risk…and that, my friends, means that the line of civilization leads ever downward to stagnation and death…It’s a simple and logical thoughtline, and it indicates that prediction is impossible…

You may believe what you wish. Science fiction author Frank Herbert took on these very issues with DUNE and sequels…the “Super-Being”, the one who could “see” everything, naturally also saw it all END…so, he attempted to put humanity on a “Golden Path”…but the more the Golden Path came into being, the more he realised that it was actually leading to the END OF EVERYTHING…therefore, when people started to “dissappear” from his oracular vision, he followed this instead, giving humanity back the right to determine it’s own future, a future firmly based upon CHANCE OCCURANCE as a matter of course…

Like it or not, if you could see tommorrow, you would push out all the other possible tomorrows that might have a chance occurrance…

THEREFORE…prediction of the future is IMPOSSIBLE…

Sorry to burst your bubble…