Not a wounded soldier - German Leadership | Gallery

Not a wounded soldier

Adolf Hitler pays a visit to not a wounded combat soldier, but a most likely important individual, perhaps someone injured during his assassination attempt. - No information available.

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Hitler meets a patient at the hospital in Wittenburg where Paul Bosse worked. The medic is stood between Hitler and the patient
As Hitler squeezes the hand of a hospital patient the smiling surgeon between them could be just another Nazi.

But medic Paul Bosse was no such thing – he was married to a Jewish woman and desperate to save her from the regime.

Despite promises from the Führer he would be safe after helping save scores of people after a Wittenburg factory explosion he was ordered to divorce Kaethe Bosse.

She died at Ravensbrück concentration camp – probably murdered.
credit How a doctor was forced to endure Hitler's company before his Jewish wife was murdered by Nazis - Wales Online