Not the State of the Site

If there’s one thing that pisses off a civil libertarian like me more than censorship, it’s people who substitute words for the ones I wrote and leave the new words attributed to me.

If you need to be a censor, do me the favour of at least deleting what I said rather than subsituting your own words for mine and leaving the rest of the world to think that I was so stupid as to use your words.

I will defend what I say, but not what others choose to substitute for what I said.


I suppose this will be locked after changing the text, just like the thread to which I object and which I cannot change because a mod has chosen to misrepresent what I said and then prevented me responding to the words he substituted for mine by locking the thread after putting his own words over my name.

And who said the Nazis were the only ones to corrupt what people said? :twisted:

What are you on about? I’m only aware of one thread being locked today, and I didn’t edit your post in that thread at all. Nor, so far as I can tell using my mod superpowers, did anyone else.

Now you know how i feel everyday, when a cirtain mod always locks my threads.
How does it feel to live in my world?

Well, you do create tonnes of them. Some others have many posts, and very little threads. You have high post number, and HUGE topic number.

For the record, that was me. I apologize for offending you. But my intention, as unexpectedly I was interrupted by work, was to merge all these threads into one super discussion thread where everyone would have input. I didn’t mean to censor you. But I guess I was hijacking your thread which was closed anyways. In any case, there seems to be a spastic discussion in about four different threads and a bunch of PMs…

I think what we need are ideas and constructive suggestions, not calling each other out…

You must work hard to diligently misspell at this point…

And as far as your world, aren’t you too from the same city?

The Mods we have right now will not edit your posts. If you believe this has happened then PM me and I will get onto it. This has happened in the past and i will not allow it on my watch.

Of course, they will edit a post if it deemed to be outrageous or some other way over the top as to offend,

Furthermore, if they do so it will usually have something like <EDITED> in it, and be signed by the mod in question at the bottom of the post with an explanation, frequently accompanied by a PM.

I reiterate here.

We have an excellent and very experienced Mod team here. They all have the utmost trust of the chief Mods and site owner and are trusted to carry out their duties.

If anyone has a problem with this valued contribution then they should PM either myself or Gen Sandworm.

I’m shocked hear, you gave me a nice responce WOW.

Yes R/S and ALY J [me] are from the same city- Poor me!

It’s not my fault i’m a bad speller- I can’t help it, i do try and spell right.

I can’t believe you pee off R/S youre best friend, never thought you do that to R/S.

It’s your fault you can’t be bothered to use a spellchecker. And it also seems that you’ve spelled something correctly and write a half-way literate sentence, only to be followed by a conscientious misspelling of the very same word with a butchered sentence…

Sorry hun’, you can drop the act now…

I can’t believe you pee off R/S youre best friend, never thought you do that to R/S.

He’ll get over it…

Yes, but when?

This seems to be an open revolt against the feebleness of the mods. There need to be some changes here, this I agree upon, but most things aren’t bad as they are presently. The mods should be able to ban IPs, if they make a thread/post in a banning thread giving a viable reason for the banning of said IP address. The mods should also be able to appoint temporary mods when the influx of spam/nonsense/sht/fcktards/etc. becomes to strong. This way the entire board doesn’t rely on a few mods with small powers who can only delete posts and threads, and 3 admins that don’t show up too often, yet can do what this place needs. Having temp mods during the influx would relieve stress for the mods already here.

No, it wouldn’t. We’d spend more time keeping an eye on the new mods than we ever would need to do were we to do the work ourselves.

I’m not sure about that.

I think I’ve suggested once or more that limited powers could be granted to limited mods who could deal only with clear spammers, like the botox idiot or whatever he’s called, but who could not otherwise do any modding.

That’s easy for you to say!

Just because I got over syphilis doesn’t mean I can get over everything.

I agree completely.

Nickdfreash, i don’t know where the spellcheck is.
For the first time in you’re life , can you be a gentleman and please tell me where it is please.
I’ve always been a bad speller, the only reason some of my big words were with correct spelling is because one of my famliy members were walking past at the time and type the right spelling for me.
This is my first PC i owned, so i don’t really know anything about pc.

I’M not trying to foul anybody Nickdfreash.

This has been explained before, but anyway…

If you’re using Internet Explorer (and I assume you are), download ieSpell from this website and use as per the instructions. In the rather miraculous situation that you’re using something better, let us know what it is and we’ll give you further instructions.

Sorry, but I’m combining responses here since we have a bunch of related threads regarding how things are going here:

Well, I am a pretty openly, revolting mod! :smiley:

As someone that has modded other boards, the “pecking order” or chain of command at most sites is as follows, with titles (and powers):

Site Owner (absolute with the ‘keys to the site’ and can do whatever he wants. Of course! He owns the site.)
Webmasters/Administrators (limited keys to the site and the ability to change forums and site ‘front’ and absolute power over posters’ IPs, user IDs, and banning posts deleting threads, etc…)
Super/Over Mods (generally can’t change the site functions, but can mass “prune” or delete. Usually can ban IPs and any user)
Moderators (usually can ban posters, but with accountability and can delete or edit existing threads)
Long time Posters (every bit as important as all of the above! Can flag spammers or trolls, are the first line defense and are in some cases defact mods with no official powers)

Not all websites are run this way, because as Billy Joel once sang, “it’s a matter of trust.”

You either trust your staff or you do not. It’s that simple. I was part of the site where the owner (aka “Sarge”, who is actually a commissioned United States Army Officer) DIDN’T trust anyone. That was fine because he was a good natural leader, and not just because of his occupation. Really, he was a very universally praised intuitive leader. The problem? Well, he was sent to Iraq and his site languished and became a “rudderless ship” (not my words). There were Webmasters that stopped by, but he long since stopped talking to them until very recently. In any case, the site sort of collapsed. Not because Sarge left so much as the software was dated to 2003, and had never been updated since it was bootleg. The site became untenable and was eventually taken down when it became so slow no one wanted to post there. In anycase, the site is still down and awaits an update, which will probably wipe out everything posted previously, if it ever happens.

He’s (Rising Sun*) turned it down more times than asked! I think Egorka would make a fine Mod as well, but apparently the pay plan and retirement aren’t good enough to lure these guys in. :smiley:

In any case, I’m not sure the amount of traffic necessitates a “new mod.” What we need is to give the old Mods new power.


Just kidding! I’m not on a power trip. It’s just that when, for instance, one is being spammed by a presumably “live spammer” from China, and this user ID has been banned three times by three separate Mods, it gets a tad gauling. It just seems that in the absence of day-to-day direction for this site, than someone needs to, as I learned in the Army, “delegate authority,” and decide if he wants the site to degenerate into a spam-friendly, place where the ignorant post freely about their cunning and skill at mission four in the Call of Duty game series. Or whether we should keep on with our pretentious little belief that this is a serious history site that grants the PRIVILEGE to post to those that have earned it by not being obnoxious attention whores, but by a genuine interest in WWII and related matters --an perhaps more importantly-- actually have an interest in the subject that forces them to actually research what they are talking about rather than just posting crap threads…