Notice the difference?

Anyone noticed the difference since an unusually active and disruptive member was banned recently?

The quality of posts has improved in the past few days, as has the participation of existing members in sensible discussions, with a bit of reasonable banter for the amusement of all.

In other words, the board is returning to what it was and should be, by removing the crap element.

So, assuming this comes from increased powers granted to the mods by the new site owner (about whose failure to deal with trolls and spammers I was rather disparaging not so long ago ), it is grounds for congratulations to Procyon for taking the steps necessary to preserve the site (and his investment) from cyber vandals.


Yes, the reading has gotten much better over the last few days…less eye strain and headaches from trying to interpret posts.:mrgreen: Out of curiosity, is this a temporary ban or permanent ban for this member. (I’ve read where this member is bothering one of our mods in another forum, also.)
And definitely a thank you to our mods and Procyon.

YA right on RS!.Out with the Rif Raff:)

In that case, you’re next :twisted:

Moi? Why would you want to get rid of me?. I don’t think that was very nice. I hope you were joking? I am your friend. Next to Mr. Firefly, you are one of my most admired Mods. :smiley:

Hooray! I was getting tired of literary inkblot tests…

Was this member banned for life, or only 2 weeks.That is the question I would like to know. Anyone know???

I’m sure we’ll find out in about two weeks, eh?

The Thread is entitled:Notice the Difference.
I would like to know why my colour is missing from this site when I logged in today. is it just me?. I have no colour. I think someone took the colour away. the website is ww2 in Color, but I don’t see any colour? Please help me understand what happened to the colour? It’s an awful lime grey shade and the site looks funny. I don’t recall reading about a site upgrade on this. I don’t like the new site colour, and it gives me a headache. Is this permanant or temporary? Where is the colour??? Please help and advise me as i am confused. is it just me? Hello? Anyone?:frowning:

Procyon changed the appearance of the site, yes. For some reason he must have forgotten to inform you though.
The tenor within the staff is positive, so it will be permanent - same as your headache.:wink:

The top bar is misaligned, if anyone can fix that.

If I bring my Bifocals up just right it looks okay.

It isn’t for me… <_<’

This will be the skin for the forum from now on, but I will change a few things that whoever doesn’t like it can change it in their user settings and go back to the previous skin.

Ok. Whoever doesn’t like the skin can go back to the previous one. You can do this bt clicking: User CP > Edit Options under the Settings & Options menu, changing it to ‘Blue Style’ and then clicking on the ‘Save Changes’ button.

Can somebody tell me which style you all see? Thanks!

Still the new one with the champagne nuances.

OH MY GOD!!!..I just changed it to Blue and it is so GREAT!!!Thank You Procyn! God Bless our Administrator for allowing us to change the color from the Boring Plais colour to something that represents life!. Hail to the Great One. Ole Salami!..

are you sure?


New…and newer(older?)