Obama assasination plan by skinhead white supremacists

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two white supremacist skinheads were arrested in Tennessee over plans to go on a killing spree and eventually shoot Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, court documents showed on Monday.

Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman were charged in a criminal complaint with making threats against a presidential candidate, illegal possession of a sawed-off shotgun and conspiracy to rob a gun dealer.

The plot did not appear to be very advanced or sophisticated, the court documents showed.

“We’re unsure of their ability or if they have the wherewithal to carry out any of their threats,” said a source close to the investigation.

Obama would be the first black president in U.S. history if he defeats Republican John McCain in the November 4 election. Concerns about Obama’s safety led the Secret Service to provide round-the-clock protection from early in his campaign.

The suspects met over the Internet about a month ago, said an affidavit filed by Brian Weaks, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

“The individuals began discussing going on a ‘killing spree’ that included killing 88 people and beheading 14 African Americans,” Weaks said in the affidavit.

The men stole guns from family members and also had a sawed-off shotgun. They planned to target a predominately black school, going state to state while robbing individuals and continuing to kill people, Weaks said in the affidavit.

“They further stated that their final act of violence would be to attempt to kill/assassinate presidential candidate Barack Obama,” he said.

The men planned to wear white tuxedos and top hats during the assassination attempt, which would have involved driving as fast as they could toward Obama and shooting him from the windows of the car.

They planned their first house robbery for October 22 but ended up leaving without breaking in. Instead they bought ski masks, food and rope to use in their robbery attempts.

They were arrested later that day and officials unsealed the court docket on Monday.

They wrote racially motivated words and symbols on the exterior of Cowart’s vehicle, including a Swastika and the numbers “14” and “88” on the hood of the car.

ATF special agent in charge James Cavanaugh said “H” is the eighth letter of the alphabet and 88 stood for “Heil Hitler.”

“The U.S. Secret Service takes all threats against presidential candidates seriously and is actively investigating the allegations,” said Richard Harlow, special agent in charge of the Secret Service-Memphis Field Office. “The Secret Service does not comment on this type of investigation.”

(Editing by John O’Callaghan)



I thought Stevey had been suspiciously quiet recently :twisted:

You think so?

BTW, somehow I got the impression that -if Obama makes it president- this won’t have been the last attempt on him.

<shrugs> The position of President tempts all sorts of nutters to take a shot at it. Dubya isn’t exactly a non-target…

Stevey is not on this specific forum…he is on the photo forum…his latest theory is that the Jews got what they deserved in the Holocaust because Jesus was killed…Thats how stupid his mentality is!

Surely, but after all I think that the fact that Obama is an afro-american could give another quality to this aspect.

The United States government will undoubtedly spend a lot more protecting Obama if he makes president, then any other President, exactly because of the radicalism facing American society. A few days ago the Toronto Star newspaper reported that it cost 30 million dollars to protect the Prime Minister since 2006. That’s 10 million dollars a year, in security service, to protect a Prime minister that most Americans probably haven’t even heard of. I can’t imagine how much the Secret Service pays to protect a USA President, let alone a black President. The cost is the price we have to accept regardless. I am sure Obama would cost a lot more to protect than John.

Maybe they reported the story wrong over here, but if those dudes plan was to first rob a gun shop AND then go on a killing spree in a school AND then assassinate obama this wasn’t anything serious at all. This is completely rediculous bullshit and at least for the obama part not worth mentioning (A headline for serious news publishers could read school massacre prevented, but that’s as far as any credible scenario goes). My plans for becoming king of the world are in a more serious stage of planning than that of those dudes to even attempt an assassination :mrgreen:.

Um, sorry you never become king of the world.
only cause someoneesle has got that title and im sure he wont past it on to you.:wink:

Assassinatating has gone on for centries.
White presidents and so did Martain Lurther King and the list goes on.
Of course Obama life is threated,hes running for the most powerful job in the world.
There still so much race hate in white america,Dont think white America wants a black president, but just maybe a black man can help undo white mans sh*t.

The pair allegedly planned to rob a gun store and then carry out a killing spree at an unnamed predominantly African-American high school, the Associated Press quoted court records as saying.

Barack Obama says ‘‘the best folks in the world’’ take care of his personal safety

Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of the Nashville field office of the ATF, told AP that the two men had planned to shoot 88 black people and decapitate another 14. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community.

Mr Cavanaugh said the men had sought to go on a national killing spree, with Mr Obama as its final target.


Does not sound too professional or well thought out to me, rob a gun store, shoot 88 black people and decapitate 14 and then go on to assassinate the Democratic Party Candidate for US President, would you not have considered by the time they got around to killing a few people, if not at the get go of robbing the gun store, they might have sparked some attention from the police. Wow! surprize, surprize, there are some crazy people in America, some of them are racists, and some might not like the idea of a black President so much they might plan to kill him. Of course, nobody would try to kill a White President would they, like nobody killed Abraham Lincoln or John F Kennedy or tried to kill Ronald Reagan and of course when Pim Fortutn was murdered he was only an anti-homosexual queerbashing fascist, so nothing like that could happen in Europe, so need to worry about it on that score.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Nope, I think the story has been reported accurately, of course the fact is that the ATF operates to such standards of excellence that there is no way they would have spun this story to ingraciate themselves with what looks likely to be a soon to be Obama administration in the Whitehouse, remember Waco Texas that was an ATF operation and what a brilant success that was.


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer