Oberst Hans von Luck - German Forces | Gallery

Oberst Hans von Luck

Full name: Hans-Ulrich Freiherr von Luck und Witten (1911-1997), KC as Major and Commander of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 125 on August 8, 1944. Before that commander of the recce battalion of 21st Panzer-Division in Africa. After the war von Luck wrote down his memoirs in the book "Panzer Commander". Van Luck was mentioned in Spielberg's Hollywood movie "Saving Private Ryan" as his unit (Kampfgruppe van Luck) was battered by Tom Hanks (although in reality not even close to the location and timeframe of the movie). (-;

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/34979/oberst-hans-von-luck

Panzer Commander is one of the best WWII book of all time!!! :wink: By the way, the 21. Panzer-Division was the only German Division - as far as I know - which fuoght in 3 different fronts: North Africa, Western, Easter Front. A true battle-hardened Division!