Obtaining copies of military photographs. UK


I have a copy of a newspaper article from 1979, which shows my Grandfathers regiment being inspected by King George 6th in 1939.

The photo and article were in the Kidderminster Shuttle in November 1979 after a reader sent in the photo. Obviously this was for 40th anniversary Remembrance Day commemoration that year.

The photo is of the local Worcestershire Territorial soldiers (later part of the B.E.F) before they were sent to the continent. My Granddad was at Dunkirk.

I was wondering if it is possible to send a copy of this article so that it could be posted on this site.

Also I am keen to obtain an official copy of this photograph. I’m not sure if it is an official military photograph. Any information about obtaining copies of military photographs would be really useful.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

Best Wishes

Hi Tuffy

Have you tried the newspaper themselves?

If you have the date of the article, they should have copy in their archive, and may have an original of the photo as well.

If you can scan the picture in and post it, we might be able to tell you a little more about the unit involved.

The TA has many branches, so your Grandfather may have been Infantry, Artillery, Signals or whatever.

Do you have any pictures of him wearing uniform, ideally where we could see a capbadge or somesuch?

edit: see my post in your other thread as well

Hello FluffyBunnyGB

Thank you for the information you have given me. I did contact the newspaper in which the article was published, but they said that because the photo was sent in by a reader they did not own the copyright and therefore could not supply me with a copy. The photograph looks quite official, although I’m not sure whether it is. I do have a photograph of him in his Uniform, and I think it was from 1943. He is with my Grandmother and I reckon it was taken just after they got married. When I finally work out how to post images, I’ll put a copy of that on aswell.

I’ve been trying to post images within one of my two topics but I can’t work out how to do it. If I can’t post it, I’ll type in the text in my other topic.

Thanks Again

How about the Imperial war museum, ? I know they have archives,etc.
Bovington tank museum, also has a hcck of a lot of material, maybe worth chancing a call,-although I think that its mainly tank/transport based. Never Know, though.

Another line of enquiry, could be the British Legion; If your in the
sam(ish) area, to Worcestershire,someone may be able to help,-or know someone who can.

Good luck.


Thank you Andy

I never thought about the war museum, I’ll have to give them a try. If I could only work out how to post photographs on this page I’m sure more people would be able to advise me. I have a photograph of my Granddad in his uniform and also a scan of the article I mentioned earlier.

If people could see them they might be able to tell what regiment he was in by his uniform or whether the photograph of his regiment being visited by the King was an official photo.

Thanks again
Best Wishes

If you need assistance, you can just email it to me and i"ll post it here for you. My email is: skunker@gmail.com