October 3, 2010: Germany Closes WWI Reparations Payments

I found this quite interesting. Germany finally paid off the Reparations due under the Versailles treaty, YESTERDAY and without much fanfare, at least in the US.


If only the rest of what laid the foundation for WWII could also “expire”…

I was driving to a job and heard an article like this on the radio news channel. They came on with: “World War I will officially end on Saturday”. That was an attention getter.:slight_smile:

Edit: How are you Ardee? Good to see you!

Very ethereal indeed!

Until I heard it on the news yesterday I hadn’t thought about it but, if asked, I would have assumed that it was all completed decades ago and probably before WWII or somehow wiped out by WWII.

I wonder what the position is with WWII reparations, if any?

IIRC it was long after the war, maybe a decade or so ago, that Britain finally paid off its Lend Lease debt to the US.


I wrote about this subject -a.o.- for my MAVO examinations (i didn’t go deep into the matter, MAVO was: midium education, like a high-school i guess) Sadly i’ve lost all my stuff a few years ago and i forgot about it, till now that is.
But i’m kinda glad it’s over, i found the treaty of Versaile to harsh, this treaty has been altered many times before today (wich i found reasonable for most of it) To see it end (“the repayment part” in this case) is good news, i hope there’ll be more disputs around the globe that can get closure, especially for the victims, although it will be hard (for many impossible) i feel people must keep trying. And i’m not saying to forgive & forget everything, but holding a “grudge” isn’t healthy. That’s my wisdom for the world, on this subject (for now). Most people who lived trough WW I are dead so to put it behind us must be possible… atleast so i think.