Odd idea!

Would anyone be interested in a closed section of the forum…open to trusted members (Details to be worked out later) where you could post some more personal info. For instance maybe there are friends on the site that are looking for jobs and another member might be able to help. This is just one of the ideas. Im sure there are many more. Just thought it might be cool if we had a section that is closed to the general public for members to access and feel a bit better about posting info of a more personal nature. Im just curious. Let me know if there is an interest. This is either a really good idea or bad one. :smiley:

Hi GS,

I’ve noticed that many other sites using the same software offer this option.
However most of them have OPSEC/PEREC reasons for this and we hardly have the same need for that here.

I must admit that I can’t see any pressing reasons in favour of such a forum, perhaps other posters can think of one.
The major downside I can see is of the ‘elite’ status of the posters with which some people, (both within and without the permitted group,) will endow the forum.

I’ll settle down to watch the fireworks now, cheers !

I think it sounds good. Sort of like a classifieds section of a newspaper?

Maybe we could include an area for iteams available for private sale/trade like Feldgrau does.