ODDESA The Organization of Former SS-Members (emigrated)

now you know why i like the ss,and why i like in argentina!

Well at least it gave Mossad an idea of where to look when they wanted to kill a few of the scum.
Mind you they would have you believe that only the really worthless scrotes and a few nasty bastards got away, conspiracy nuts say that the SASand similar units had fun hunting and killing SS men at the end of the war. Now there’s a blood-sport no-one can complain about. :evil:

hey,why don´t you think of the fighter SS’s?,the fought too!,more than the tortures they commit,and the waffen ss,don´t tortured,they we´re combat units (an elite,the best).

The SS were mass murdering scum. I can repsect what they achieved in battle, but they all deserve a slow painful death.

Couldn’t agree more.


Couldn’t agree more.[/quote]

i third this as I have already said on another thread. How can you love an organisation that stood for mass murder?

I agree as well. Apparently my grandfather had the decency to consider suicide after what happened in Warsaw (at least my mother speaks about some letters I have never seen though, where he wrote about his experiences to my grandmother), and AFAIK, his death between Kursk and Charkov was suicide by Soviet tank / infantry (he apparently had himself posted into a suicidical position).


SS they are murders ,they are not soldiers ,it is shame then some protect SS members.

hey,they fight more than they tortured,and im specially admirator of waffen-ss more than ss,and the waffen-ss didn´t kill anybody.

i think they´re more famous as killer than the things they did.

No I dont, please explain why?

No I dont, please explain why?[/quote]

easy :stuck_out_tongue:

So you are proud of the fact that your country decided to hide people like Mengele and his cronies. That my friend is not something I could be proud of.

Im proud of those guys (ONLY THE BRAVES,no the tortures)

when you have a glass,you don´t have to see only the empty part!.

The Waffen SS that spent it’s free time murdering civillians in Russia or herding British prisoners of war into barns then throwing hand grenades in, before machine gunning anyone who lived (1st Sussex Regiment and 7th Cheshire Regiment in 1940 if I remember rightly), or massacaring US POWs at Malmedy.

All SS were the same, all SS are tarred with the same brush. All SS were scum war criminals.

Walther - please don’t take it personally against your grand father, but I have strong views about men who could do things like the SS did.

The Waffen SS that spent it’s free time murdering civillians in Russia or herding British prisoners of war into barns then throwing hand grenades in, before machine gunning anyone who lived (1st Sussex Regiment and 7th Cheshire Regiment in 1940 if I remember rightly), or massacaring US POWs at Malmedy.

All SS were the same, all SS are tarred with the same brush. All SS were scum war criminals.

Walther - please don’t take it personally against your grand father, but I have strong views about men who could do things like the SS did.[/quote]

i will still like them for their actions in battlefield,i believe they were better than a german normal soldier (that means the best).

there is so much propaganda against the waffen-ss

the allies are always heros and the axis are the bad guys,all of them fight for their country!,if you don´t fight,you were killed.

But you can fight for your country without murdering your way through the indigenous population of the country you’re fighting through. Most other people managed it - the SS didn’t.


But you can fight for your country without murdering your way through the indigenous population of the country you’re fighting through. Most other people managed it - the SS didn’t.[/quote]
we don´t know what did himmler ordered to his soldiers,maybe they were obligated,and hitler hated so much the jews,so,the waffen-ss could have that work because hitler wanted.

and if you say,why did the join the waffen SS?:the uniforms are cool (better for the morale),they are special trained troops (that means,they are better than regular troops),and they were the last troops on foot and doing resistance when the allies were finishing germany.

The Waffen SS that spent it’s free time murdering civillians in Russia or herding British prisoners of war into barns then throwing hand grenades in, before machine gunning anyone who lived (1st Sussex Regiment and 7th Cheshire Regiment in 1940 if I remember rightly), or massacaring US POWs at Malmedy.

All SS were the same, all SS are tarred with the same brush. All SS were scum war criminals.

Sorry Erwin, YOU ARE WRONG here, the Axis WERE the BAD GUYS.

Walther - please don’t take it personally against your grand father, but I have strong views about men who could do things like the SS did.[/quote]

i will still like them for their actions in battlefield,i believe they were better than a german normal soldier (that means the best).

there is so much propaganda against the waffen-ss

the allies are always heros and the axis are the bad guys,all of them fight for their country!,if you don´t fight,you were killed.[/quote]

Sorry Erwin you are completely wrong, the Axis WERE the BAD guys.

Please explain what benefits a whole load of murdering scum brought to a rich country like Argentina after the war?

we needed workers,and we need actually workers,our populations is small,and the waffen-ss after their military experience can be good for training our soldiers.

Not a good argument, you need to expand, you could have been trained by any military, and the actual amount of Nazis was surely not enough to greatly increase the population. All it does is make your country, and a lot of other S American countries look bad.