Oddest factory making war goods?

What is the most interesting factory during the war making goods that would not normally have done so? My personal favorite, if I remember correctly, is Singer Sewing Machine Company making .45s

I’ve always found it interesting that some conquered European arms manufacturers produced some of the same weapons for the Germans that the Allies had. For instance, I guess there were 9mm Browning High-Powers made for the Third Reich that desperately needed pistols for policing their large occupation areas. But it is not advised that you actually fire one of these pistols made between 1940 and 1944 since the Belgian workers weren’t exactly happy producing them and the slide may just smash your face in…

Disney making nose art and logos (example: Women Air Service Pilot insignia)


I find it very interesting that many American companies benefitted from the rise of the Third Reich and it just goes to show that profits means more then ethics. After Austria was overcome in 38, the man in charge of General Motors foreign operations Mr. James Mooney, was issued a very high prestigious medal called Eagle with German Cross for his support of the auto inductry which GM had in Germany.I think the foregin subsiduary of GM was called Opel. Despit the known jewish persecution and fears of upcoming war, Opel maintained a solid relationship with the Third reich desperate to secure profits over anything else. That was general Motors of the time. I don’t know how long the relationship lasted but it was a very profitable time for GM’s foreign subsiduary.

Ford Motor Company and George Bush’s grandfather, George Prescott Bush, also had business relationships with the Nazi gov’t. And Bush was nearly charged with treason and trading with the enemy I believe for continuing his dealings into 1942 well after War had been declared on the US…

And GM still owns Opel. Much of their new Saturn line is pretty much re-badged Opels such as the Astra. Or incorporates Opel technology and engineering…

How is that surprising given the fact that Opel is a german company only bought by GM three and a half years before Adolf came to power?

My favorite is the Hotchkiss stapler:).

Rock Ola m1 carbines…Rock ola was a company that made juke Boxes…


The National Postal Meter Co also made M1 carbines. 416,000 of them.

Smith-Corona typewriter company manufacturing 1903A3 Springfield bolt-action rifles.
