Officer cadet initiative test lives on in Germany

If my experience with 2nd Lieutenants in the Army was any manner of indicator, these gentlemen would be the successful candidates.:wink:

After seeing this I don’t think it would be a good idea to reduce the basic military service to 6 months as planned.
Best thing in the video are the bystanders - they’re cracking up.:smiley:

Been there, done that exercise, never cocked up that badly :stuck_out_tongue:

On reviewing the video, around 1 min 05 seconds it looks like a bloke is about to make it when the bloke (?instructor? - hardly part of the team) to right of screen kicks the board out.

On reviewing it again, the last attempt in the video might involve bloke sitting on platform on left of screen being pushed off. Hard to tell.

I liked the guy trying to cross on two knotted ropes, then face planting and hanging upside down with his head underwater.:mrgreen:

I heard or read a tale of the OSS in the early days (for the US) of WWII. They blindfold potential recruits lead them up some stairs, told them they were on the edge of a drop and to step off. Those that did were allowed to continue, those that refused were tagged for leadership.

Post-war blindfold training for fire crews in Germany. These four firemen are being trained to follow the sound of a gong, in order to get their bearings in low-visibility situations. Three seem certain to pass the test; one looks set to fail…

German Firemen 001.jpg

I dunno.

If the bloke with the gong is stupid enough to be in the fire, the bloke marching out of the picture to the left has the right idea. :wink: :smiley:

Anyway, all the gongees look like they’re auditioning for a zombie movie.

Rising Sun*, your uncorrectability is boundless… The most part of your posts, like the one above, always make me laugh… :smiley: Anyway, all of them included the gong player may have a future in the Horror Movies…

ps - what is a “parnsip”? I can’t find it on the English Dictionary. It sounds like something that hasn’t a good taste…

A parsnip is kind of a large white carrot, a root vegetable which is good as an ingredient in root soup (very tasty) And despite several characteristics in common, should not be mistaken for a U.S. Congressman, or Senator. (the parsnip is much more useful)


Another post-war blindfold training. This time are British fire crews. The British firemen are pratcising feeling their way in total darkness while wearing respirators. Any (funny) comment, Mr. Rising Sun*? :wink: :slight_smile:

English Firemen 002.jpg

As in WWII, the Germans have better uniforms; are better coordinated; and look more frightening than the British.

Also, courtesy of the Marshall Plan, the Germans are able to afford a hammer to guide their firemen while the bankrupt British have to guess where the fire or exit is.

It’s like the cover of Abby Road (if the Beatles were wearing hoods over their respirators)…