Oficer of Lithuanian Army Pranciškus Paškevičius - Other Forces | Gallery

Oficer of Lithuanian Army Pranciškus Paškevičius

I noticed that there is very litle in this website about Lithuania, about soldiers of Lithuania in intervar yers and world war 2, so i try to upload some photos, so that you cann learn some abot Lithuanian military. Thi is photo of Pranciškus Paškevičius, oficer of duchess Birutė Ulann regiment. In war yers and immediate post war, he was helper four the Lithuanian anti communist resistance figters. He died in soviet gulag in Siberia.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/other-forces/21289/oficer-of-lithuanian-army-pranciskus-paskevicius

But when he changed his mind, lithuanians from lokal guard refused to join wermacht or SS. German autority was frustrated, thei egzekuted some of soldiers, some go to the consentration camps, majority was sent to luftwaffe as flak helpers, others, that ewade from beeing captured, hide in the wilages and woods and ewentualy formed anti soviet resistance.