Okinawa - Colorizations By Users | Gallery


Two Marines compare Japanese rifle with American carbine. Okinawa - May 1945(rudeerude) Re-Color

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

rudeerude, two complaints: <br /><br />

  1. Your colors are too bright. This might be caused by a lack of color proofing in Photoshop or poor selection, but you could achieve a much better picture if you kept the images less bright. <br />
    It’s in the nature of colorized picture that they will look somewhat desaturated. <br /><br />

  2. Always ask yourself: Does this color fit? I say that especially with regards to the right soldier’s hair. It doesn’t look very natural - I think you would have been better off going with a brown tone there.<br /><br />

Anyhow, keep up the good work - you’ll get a hang of it sooner or later.