Only In The United Kingdom

Okay…I started an Only in America thread so figure its only right to start an Only in U.K. thread. here is the start…

Sounds like the nuts guarding the nuthouse to me…if this is the feeling WHY HAVE A SHED? lol

Well but what if somebody takes the council’s advice leaves the shed unlocked, a thief entering with the intention of stealing goods, sees a playboy magazine on the table, trips and accidently slices their wobbler off with a garden tool, would the shed occupier not be liable for the poor bugger’s wobbler getting sliced off, for failing to properly exercise their duty of care in leaving the shed unlocked? Furthermore, if the thief happened to be say a Muslim Arab and the occupier of the shed say a black Christian would not this constitute a racially agravated assault?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Reminds me of a case in Germany, where a houseowner had a rickety, old ladder in his garden. One night a scrote decided that this ladder was just perfect to get to an unbarred upper level window to break into the house, looking for loot. While he was climbing up, the ladder broke, letting gravity deal with the scrote in his fast descent to mother earth, leading to several broken bones.

Now said scrote sued the houseowner successfully. According to the court of law, it is the houseowner’s responsibility to make sure that there are no dangers on his property, which could endanger a trespasser.


It’s alright though, you can legally bash someone with a cricket bat if they are robbing you’re house as long as they’re not running away. And they have to be in the act of threatening you & yours. However, anything other than that and you’re in deep doggy do-do because apparently these days criminals have rights.

Australia has got the same laws as you british do. Some one can robb youre house and you attack them, the Crimminal may sue you for damages.
IT pays to be a crimminal…being sicastic there.

Well, should you have the right to kill someone running away and desisting?

I haven’t seen any postings on this thread, as yet, which legitimize the topic.

My cousins in New York, inform me that when they go out for an evening, they leave a few bucks on the coffee table for the burglars, so that, said burglars, don’t become too upset and trash the place - it works for me! :slight_smile:

An uncle og mine did the same. He figured out that he wasn’t rich enough to be targeted by real pro safe crackers or similar.
For him the biggest danger would come from junkies looking for quick money to buy themselves the next shot of heroine.
If they wouldn’t find anything, they would most likely smash up the furniture, sh*t on the carpet and do an disproportional amount of damage out of revenge and disappointment.
So whenever he left the house for a linger period, he would leave some 100 Deutschmark bills (he died before the introduction of the Euro) in semi-obvious places in the house (not too obvious, because else the burglar might be tempted to dismantle the place looking for more).


Bog Snorkeling

Competitors must snorkel through dirty, smelly mud water for two lengths of a 60 yard trench that has been cut through a peat bog. The snorkeler with the lowest completion time wins. Competitors wear snorkels and flippers (wet suits are optional) and cannot use conventional swimming strokes. The world record time of 1min 35sec is held by Phillip John. The 2007 Bog Snorkeling championships will take place on August 27 in the small town of Llanwrtyd Wells in Wales.

Winner of the World Gurning Championship 2006, Egremont

" I have come to change the government, not to praise it."

“There is nothing more monstrous than politicians”. Screaming Lord Sutch

"If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving isn’t for you " R.U.Seerius

How can it be assault, if nobody was assaulted :rolleyes:

The law is basically the same in all the democratic nations, you have to right to “use reasonable force” to defend yourself, your family, and your property.
The difference is how the law courts view what is “reasonable”.

However, anything other than that and you’re in deep doggy do-do because apparently these days criminals have rights.

They always have had rights.

Presumed innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law.

In most countries, unless you are cornered without any way to go, you’ll have to deescalate the situation by retreating and then calling the cops to let the handle the affair.
An exemption are the various American “castle laws”, under which you are allowed to make a stand on your own property to defend it, rather than running away to wait for the cops.
This doesn’t allow you though to take the law into your own hands and to “execute” anybody caught on your land.


I hope this was no one here on this site, but that might explain the absence of one of our posters. Hummmm… :slight_smile:

edited to add… Is that anyway to dump a girlfriend???

Well, it’s not me, because my plastic lady love balloon cost way too much (AU$23 on an auction site, with hardly any use and only one unrepaired puncture) to throw away. Anyway, mine is better looking, because it came (and I don’t want any silly comments about that) with a real wig of proper static shock poly hair instead of obviously fake painted-on hair like the one in the link. :smiley:

But I do like the phrase ‘fly tipping’, as a gentleman’s ‘fly’ is the strip in his pants where buttons or a zip can be manipulated to allow his tip access to the open air.

The Poms can’t be too attached to their tips if they leave them by the roadside. :smiley:

I think the clue is in the wording:

The man, who has not been named, admitted, (fire)fly, tipping when questioned.

Free the Gunpowder Plot One

Was one of the Gunpowder Plotters an innocent victim of circumstance? As effigies of Guy Fawkes again go up in flames, is it time to rectify a 400-year-old miscarriage of justice?

Robert Catesby led plot to kill James I and leading nobles on 5 November 1605
It was conspiracy of disaffected Catholic gentry wanting to overthrow Protestant monarchy
Gunpowder was concealed in cellar below Houses of Parliament
Anonymous warning revealed plot.

As should all those who would usurp their government:

After the failed attempt to blow up Parliament in November 1605, Henry Garnet, a Jesuit priest, was hanged, drawn and quartered, and his parboiled head displayed on London Bridge.

Uh… Garnet’s “crime” was that he failed to immediately reveal to the Crown information given to him under the seal of Confession. Today (and IIRC at the time as well) such conversations were regarded as priveledged and priests could not legally be forced to reveal their content.
It should also be noted at this point that he had probably urged the plotters not to go ahead with the plan.

Hardly plotting to “usurp the government”.

He was aware and, thus, guilty by default for not revealing what he knew.