Operation Bagration: Greatest Russian victory in world war 2

And the greatest defeat of the Wermarcht in ww2.

“The battle has been described as the triumph of the Soviet theory of “the operational art” - because of the complete co-ordination of all front movements and signals traffic to fool the enemy about the fundamental nature of the offensive attack. Despite the huge level of forces involved, Soviet front commanders left their opposite numbers in complete confusion about the main axis of attack until it was too late for the Germans to recover the situation.”

1.7 million russian troops attacked the 800,000 men of Army Gruppe Center, and killed, wounded, and captured 670,000 men and destroying and capturing 2,000 tanks.

Soviet losses were 60,000 killed, 110,000 wounded, and about 8,000 missing, with 2,957 tanks, 2,447 artillery pieces, and 822 aircraft also lost.

Bagration was probably the only major offensive that cost the russians less men then the germans.

that cost the russians less men then the germans.

And that’s saying alot!

Its been a while since I read about that.

Tell me, Bagration was right after Kursk, but was it aimed at Kharkov or Orel?

Mate, Operation Bagration was an attack by Soviet forces to clear the Germans from Belarus. It wasn’t aimed at Kharkov or Orel.

Bagration was launched in late June 44, during the Normandy Campaign. It was not only the greatest Russian victory of the War but the greatest and most decisive Allied victory.

Mate, Operation Bagration was an attack by Soviet forces to clear the Germans from Belarus. It wasn’t aimed at Kharkov or Orel.

Damn its been a really long time since I read about that.

Were’nt there attacks on Kharkov immediately following Kursk? Or something like that.


Firstly Kharkov was attacked and liberated by forces of 69, 40 army and 3 tank army on 16 february 1943. Than Germans regrouped and on 19 february launched counteroffensive on Kharkov. The core of the German forces was tank corps SS. After severe fights Kharkov was lost and Russian forces pulled back. In the end of march German forces were stopped and front stabilized. This front line formed south side of Kursk promontory.
And only on 23 of august 1943 after Kursk battle Kharkov was retaken again. You are absolutely right, my friend/ :smiley:

Speaking about operation “Bagration”, here is some info linking and comparing it with operation “Overlord”:


Yes it was a major Russian victory… up until the offensive started… the Germans believed the main Soviet offensive would be directed in the South.
But even though the Germans were caught by surprise… they were still able to destroy over 2900 Soviet tanks… I think thats amazing… I believe that the Soviets should of been thankful the Germans did not know where they were going to attack…

An American study:


:?: to whom this concerns
wie gehts?
i am working on this project on world war two in 1944 i need help i am trying to find websites that give me correct information on the war and battles mainly the european front.


Seems that you are using Soviet/Russian sources for your numbers?

Some sources say soviet losses were 60,000 killed, some say 180,000 killed, some say 250,000 killed, and I remember seeing estimates as high as 300,000 killed alone.

But even moderate/average numbers point that Soviet losses were (KIA, MIA, WIA) at least the same size as german losses, maybe even higher.

Well, the soviet archives are a lttle cloudy but is clear that in this time at list the russian infringed far more damage than the germans, actually the year 1944 was know as “the year of 100 victories” by the soviet generals.