"Opposite signs" in late 1944 - US Army | Gallery

"Opposite signs" in late 1944

Personnel of a US supply column take cover in a road ditch while German aircrafts strafe. Near Veghel/the Netherlands, September 1944.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-army/45039/%22opposite-signs%22-in-late-1944

I think the column was British, not American. The jeep belonged to a pair of U.S. medics who were evacuating some wounded to the rear, they decided to stop and put the wounded on the ditch for protection.
The column wasn’t straffed by airplanes, the smoke in the distance is from two supply lorries full of ammo that were hit by 88’s from a distance. Instead of trying to occupy the road, the Germans had changed tactics and kept the road covered by fire from heavy mortars and tanks.
This photo was taken by AFPU Sergeant Midgley, the location is the hamlet of Bokt, just south of Son looking towards Eindhoven (now almost a suburb of Eindhoven). The time was about mid-morning of the 20th September.


My Dad was a driver for the 4th Armor Div. supply train. Loast 3 trucks to german guns. One a mail truck, the only thing he saved was a watch (burnt) which he keeped and we still have. He always woundered what happened to the man it was mailed to.