Order&Executors,who is the real quilty?

I just wonder if somebody give order to someone to kill peoples in war,(or in the civil life)who is quilty?Who gave the order,or who execute the order?Of course ALL quilty who institute a murder,but who hand’s attach more blood?
I wonder your personal equations!

You havn’t given your oppinion yet, Imi.

I wonder your oppinion :slight_smile:
Here is mine:
I think more than quilty who give the order,because no execution without order.
Of course the executor is quilty,but when you say you not realize the command,then search someone who execute the order.

Everyone is guilty: if an officer orders an order to a lesser officer, he orders a lesser soldier, who does it. The middle officer(person 2) is guilty because he could have not passed it on… So, basically, the whole chain of command is guilty.