Oskar Dirlewanger - German Forces | Gallery

Oskar Dirlewanger

Despite the assertions of some (you know who I mean) that there were no bad men in the SS this convicted paedophile was released to command a Waffen SS Brigade. He was also awarded the Knights Cross and the German Cross in Gold by a grateful Fuhrer, thus dishonouring both these high awards.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/18622/oskar-dirlewanger

So, you named two out of about 1 million. Of course there were criminals in the Waffen-SS, also in the Wehrmacht, the US-Army, the British Roayl Army, the Polish Army (Kaminski was half-pole and half-german by the way) and, yes, -believe it or not- even in the Red Army there were criminal, even their leader Big uncle Joe was a criminal. Dirlewanger and Kaminski were criminals and that’s why they were used by the Nazi authorities for the “dirty work”.

Actually, you didn’t provide the man’s name, but from his looks and your description, I’m guessing it is Oskar Dirlewanger. Stevey can find out more about this “hero” at various places if he desires, including http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oskar_Dirlewanger
And Stevey might also be interested in learning that the 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, commanded by Dirlewanger, was originally made up of convicted criminals.