Oswald Mosley - dead but not forgotten ... - Posters Artwork Documents | Gallery

Oswald Mosley - dead but not forgotten ...

Image produced by UK far Rightists in memory of Oswald Mosley shortly after his death (December 1980). I am not sure of the exact source - but would be willing to guess that the people who produced this image did not share - or even understand - some of Mosley's main political positions. I am (easily) old enough to remember UK media coverage of Mosley's death. Much of it - even from liberal and socialist-inclined newspapers - was surprisingly complimentary, concentrating on his brilliant early parliamentary career and downplaying the facism, street-fighting, rabble-rousing, anti-Semitism and treason that characterised his activities in the period leading up to WW2. This was hilariously lampooned at the time by the BBC's "Not the Nine-o-Clock News" tv show, whose cast (dressed as National Front skinhead youths) sang, "Some people called him traitor/Some people called him mad/But any friend of Hitler's/Can't have been all bad ..." Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/art/38191/oswald-mosley-dead-but-not-forgotten-...

They didn’t understand ‘im, some people called ‘im mad
But any friend of ‘Itler’s can’t have been all bad
Baronet Oswald Ernald Mosley!
Baronet Oswald Ernald Mosley!
He was popular and handsome as Richard Burton
'Cause I seen him on the box once with his black shirt on
And though I cannot claim to be any great authority
As far as I’m concerned the sun shone out of his oratory
He could have been a great dictator given ‘alf a chance
But they treated ‘im like a traitor
So he went to live in France
Baronet Oswald Ernald Mosley!
Baronet Oswald Ernald Mosley!

Look it up I bet it’s on you tube. It still makes me laugh and was a brilliant satire on the hypocritical medias coverage of his death described above by JR above. Personally I found Roderick Spode and his black shorts and his underwear shop hilarious too.