Our British Allies

Just a quick note you all you fellas ,
I am happy that we here in America have you the British as our Allies ,we have stuck together in many world conflicts and feel honored to call you fellas our friends .We have a suffered many hardships together in the wars and overcame them .Your Prime Ministers have been Very honorable and I have much respect for them as well as the men that they commanded in battle .Here is a small photo tribute to you.

And some songs from Vera Lynn

what would america do without the british as our allies?

Find somebody else?

… to shoot at “by mistake”? :twisted:

But i doubt that america would ever have anyother close allies then britan.

What about Canada? Surely they’re not all bad?

Nothings bad about canada, I love there maple syrup! It goes so well with my pancakes.

Only the French ones :lol: Just kidding!

Only the French ones :lol: Just kidding![/quote]

This photo says it all

That’s a sobering picture Gutkowski (as was the last Brit pic you posted in your first post). It’s good to have friends/allies. :smiley:

Yes it is

You do realise I was just kidding and I have the utmost respect for anyone who fought in the war?

Only the French ones :lol: Just kidding![/quote]

This photo says it all

I dont really understand what the caption is about?

Presumably some variant on “the French didn’t support us over Iraq those lazy ungrateful swine (replace swine with “cheese eating surrender monkeys” if in a bad mood) so we shouldn’t have saved them from the Germans in the 1940s”. That’s what photos like that are usually used for unfortunately.

I feared it may be something like that. So what Gutowski is saying then is that because a sovereign Government doesnt agree with another Governments policies they are forever labelled an enemy?

I wonder if he has ever heard about the US war of Independance?

Not my thoughts at all Firefly LOL just a photo I found on the net and and my intentions for the photo were showing the major loss of life ,I do like the French ,they make some good food :lol: :lol:

You like the French Kiddo, why thats anti-American Blather you chit!

Actually, I quite enjoy France as well, always have, probably always will. Freedom fries for everyone then :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: