Our Russian friends - Nazis?

Does anyone think that Sneaksie and Chevan are members of some Right Wing Russian group.

They can hardly manage a post without mentioning Jews or other ethnic groups and not in a good light either.

Any bets on which one will be the first to be banned? I for one am getting fairly fed up with them spoiling a lot of threads with their nonesense. Although I do think certain of our other members here like to bait them a wee bit.

Well they are getting annoying … havent been keeping up with them that much lately. I hated to give Nickdfresh the infraction for insults but I warned him plently time. Id rather have given it to Chevan. Anyhow just like the real nazi’s they arent idiots just have a skewed sense of the world. But you can keep shooting proofs and they will just refute them with whatever BS that comes along. Unfortunatly they arent as dumb as IRONMAN and are not going to be easy to catch in straightforward way. Although if they do we should act promptly.

I dont mind them in so much right now they are just annoying. However im worried about the type of people they might attract. 1 or 2 debateables is okay 20 crazies is a mess. So I think we should watch carefully and dont be afraid to hand out infractions.

Anyone elses opinion’s???

As I told before I put my bets on Chevan. Not for a personal reason (remember my clashes with him a couple of months ago) but for his posts.

That’s for sure.

Might some of these topics be moved to the Cold war room.

On a side note can you guys help out in promoting those Other wars forums a bit. Post some pics or something. I know people are intested but sometimes you just have to kick start them a bit.

Il would like to ban Chevan or Sneaksie a couple of days, only to cool their heads a little, but also will serve as and advertence for the others.

Well this guy is not russian but a member has brought up a concern. Got this PM.

maybe I’m exaggerating, but eolithic’s signature has some unbelievable coincidence.

  1. Nazi symbol.
  2. BLOOD AND HONOUR - (well known name of neonazi organisation)

Can you do something about this?


Ive pmed him and given him a warning infraction…still no response. He doesnt do anything on the site but he has yet to defend his position on the thread. So im guessing ill wait til the 28th then give him an infraction point then remove the sig. He’s not causing trouble on the site yet i am concerned about his sig. Anyone else got idea’s

Well this guy is not russian but a member has brought up a concern. Got this PM.

maybe I’m exaggerating, but eolithic’s signature has some unbelievable coincidence.

  1. Nazi symbol.
  2. BLOOD AND HONOUR - (well known name of neonazi organisation)

Can you do something about this?


Ive pmed him and given him a warning infraction…still no response. He doesnt do anything on the site but he has yet to defend his position on the thread. So im guessing ill wait til the 28th then give him an infraction point then remove the sig. He’s not causing trouble on the site yet i am concerned about his sig. Anyone else got idea’s?

At the risk of bumping a thread that is nearly a year old, I think the now departed Lancer44 and I once speculated that Chevan and Egorika were possibly some arm of Russian intelligence bent on influencing the web and posting their “point-of-view.”

While this sounds far-fetched perhaps, the Russians have recently released their own version of the web I believe in order to better control and monitor things…

Interesting speculation on the extremist right wing group membership though…

I think Kato in it with them…

I checked their IP addresses yesterday:

Kato - Ukraine
Chevan - Russian Federation
Egorka - Denmark (Hmmm)
Vad tfk - Ukraine

Librarian or - comes up blank?

Find IP Address Information

As an aside, I wonder if “Digger” isn’t a reincarnation of “Lancer44”.

He said that he study in Copenhagen.

Serbian IP. Look here: http://www.ripe.net/fcgi-bin/whois?form_type=simple&full_query_string=&searchtext=

Very interesting speculations. While not agreeing with them I do find the speculation fascinating. Of course with the Web you can never really tell and there are a lot of strange people out there.

I realise that I win that bet. PK banned Chevan for a week sometime ago.

Thanks Dani,

I guess that answers those speculations.

Also, thanks to you and Firefly for the support in dealing with Jabu’s avatar. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome buddy!

I have no real proof and don’t care that much anyways since it matters little…

I think part of our speculation, Lancer and I that is, was that Chevan’s posting style seems to change, like he’s controlled by two or more people. He reverts from barely understandable from fresh off the Alta translator to fairly fluent in English, especially when he’s angry or is trying to make a larger point…

Also, he claims to be from a southern city in Russia, but using a further IP check at my other forum, his IP addy comes from Moscow. While, it’s not unusual for interweb hubs to run through major cities regardless of the poster’s location (all AOL proxies run through LA and New York in the States and London in the UK regardless of where the posters live), it’s still a bit suspicious. But then again, I’m mildly paranoid…:slight_smile:

I undestand what you may suggest.
Check this:

and this:

descr: SVYAZTRANSNEFT, Severo-Kavkazsky PTUS (SK PTUS)

descr: Join Stock Company “SVYAZTRANSNEFT”

The second one is that with Moscow as an adress of admin and so on.

I do beleive that he posted only from Krasnodar and he works in an oil (transport?) company (neft=oil)

Excellent work Dani. That does make sense. I don’t know if he’s in some right wing group or being ticky, defensive conspiracy mongers is part of the Russian character on the internet.

I’ve known a couple Russian born women and have never seen this sort of thing but have read that overall, Russians seem to enjoy their conspiracies…

I like being mildly paranoid, in my job it helps…

By the way, these links might be useful for IP whois search:

http://www.afrinic.net/- Africa Region

http://www.apnic.net/- Asia/Pacific Region

http://www.arin.net/ - North America Region

http://lacnic.net/en/index.html – Latin America and some Caribbean Islands

http://www.ripe.net/ - Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia

Thanks Dani :slight_smile: