Outpost (Attack of the Nazi Zombies!)

Has anyone seen this? I can pick it up at an outlet store for like $3 USD. I like horror films, and obviously I love WWII themes. But is this film worth even a couple of bucks and two hours of my life?

I don’t know it yet but I’m interested to watch it - in the worst case the movie might be good for some unintentional humour. I read they’re planning a sequel coming out this year. Besides, three bucks is nothing, I’d take the risk.

P.S. The bearded guy on the left with the AK, would that be Metallica’s James Hetfield?:wink:

I was more worried about the two hours of my life, and I’m pretty sure we could Bit Torrent it for almost free, but I’m out to pick it up on the way to the pubs…

There are a couple of decidedly mixed reviews online, but I think those of us that like this sort of thing might enjoy it as a afternoon popcorn and beer flick…

Here are some trailers:


I’ve looked at this before when renting dvd’s to watch, but never have rented it. If you do buy and watch it, you’ll have to give us a critique of the movie.
Speaking of zombie movies, I recently watched “28 Days Later” and the sequel “28 Weeks Later”. They were both pretty decent movies for being what they are.

They had “28 Weeks Later,” but it was like $6 for a “previously viewed” movie, so I’ll download that one…I like “28 Days Later,” but thought is was a bit over-hyped as the “scariest” film of its year…

Ak-47 in WW2?.. they definately need another military adviser.

I believe it’s supposed to be set in the 1990s in a Euro warzone (presumably the Balkans). The guys in the pic are mercenaries hired to protect some sort of scientist or scholar who’s searching for a mysterious Waffen SS bunker used to conduct experiments in WWII…

Ah, that explain everything :rolleyes:

It’s called science fiction/horror genre. Look it up. :slight_smile:

In any case, the film was definitely worth the $3 and was decent if not great. Most of the online reviews tend to be favorable–as long as you’re not expecting too much. The film was definitely low budget, but the cinematography is solid and the film definitely has a “creepy” and gloomy feel to it. What is interesting is that all of the characters are pretty contemptible to and extent, but yet interesting and you find yourself caring about them even though you don’t really initially like any of the macho, alcoholic and ruthless mercenary scum who gradually grow on you. Especially their leader “D.C.,” played by Ray Stevenson of the HBO series Rome. The acting is solid overall.

I was also incorrect as it’s not really Nazi zombies, but more like entities. But I don’t want to give too much away, but it definitely plays on the “Nazi-occult” mystique portrayed in such films as the Raiders of the Lost Arc, and also the plot and theme are hardly ground breaking and reminded me a lot of the series of Alien(s) film. In fact, it’s almost like Alien meets the Blair Witch Project meets Evil Dead. As for the technical stuff, the mercs have the standard fare of AKs mixed with the new H&K line-up, the firefights are a bit cartoonish as is much of the violence. The Waffen SS troops uniforms don’t really reflect the later-War period of loose fitting camouflage. But maybe there’s no point really caring too much about that…

Overall, it’s a worthy view for war buffs and sci fi fans, and pretty well done for a low budget sci-fi horror film. The story line does get lost a bit around the “Unified Theory” machine and mumbo jumbo that is never really explained well, but I guess that’s part of the mystery.

I remember seing a horror movie with real nazi zombies.
It was set in a tropical island and they seemed to come from a wrecked ship of the coast. They all had white hair and weared some sort of goggles like welders do.
cant remember the title, but it was pretty low cost, poor acting sort of italian movie from the seventys.
anyone saw this ?

I dunno that one, but I think there was a recently released, and quickly to DVD, one called Dead Snow. More info here:


Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEQwEmeWnyI

Could be a 1977 film called Shock Waves?


Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiBQue8n-bo

I’d see it just to track Ray Stevenson’s career. Admired his work since HBO’s Rome.

Yes !
that is it ! real funny to watch the trailer… even if it’s not as scary as in my memory… it’s been more than 20 years since I saw this.

@ Nick,
Thanks for the heads up, I may have to watch it one day soon.

Outpost was ok, some interesting parts but not many. There’s a scene with a table which is good, the Germans aren’t zombies but the movie covers that.
Movie sort of reminded me of The Bunker, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0252963/

Dead Snow was enjoyable, not scary in anyway but more a comical B zombie nazi movie.

I watched “Outpost” last night and “The Bunker” (2001) tonight.

Although they are low-budget films, they were pretty well done; nice uniforms, great creepy environments, good stories, okay acting.

I just think there’s way too much room for interpretation at the end of “The Bunker”… Other than that, thumbs up.


Spoiler ahead…spoiler ahead
Spoiler ahead…spoiler ahead
Spoiler ahead…spoiler ahead

The radio signal at the end did seem to indicate that the rescue squad had found someone alive inside. And it couldn’t have been the Commidante this time, since they showed him on the ridge with the others.

Too bad the sequel is actually a prequel. Would love to know what happens to the second squad. Of course, finding out how the who lab/bunker thing ended up like it did does seem rather interesting as well.

Outpost 2 is been made, no idea what stage but it seems they were/are looking for help with ideas on Facebook.