Owens Sub Machinegun - Australian Forces | Gallery

Owens Sub Machinegun

Two Australian soldiers patrol the jungles of New Guinea with their Owens sub machineguns. Designed and built in Australia, over 45,000 were made.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/australian-forces/57882/owens-sub-machinegun

My father served in the PACIFIC THEATER and was at Hickam on 12/7/1941 when the Japanese Attacked. When I graduated from high school VIETNAM was raging. I asked my father what branch I might enlist in. He served 9 years in the Army and Army Air Corp in the Pacific. He said “the rats ate all our leather, paper, food if we had any, the water was terrible and we were feed WWI POWERED EGGS early in the Pacific Theater. What the rats didn’t eat would rot. He and most of his buddies got Dignie Fever and some other things easily picked up in the Jungle.” Pop said “this looks like another Jungle War and from what we learned about Jungle Wars I think you should join the Navy. You would probably have good water, hot food, dry bedding, no rats and nothing should rot.” So I went into the Navy and avoided a Jungle War as he recommended I do.

The Owen gun was still in use by the Australian Army at the time of Long Tan in August 1966