P-47 dump - US Army Air Force | Gallery

P-47 dump

I found no description with this photo,but I think its aircraft from 58th Fighter Group. Link to a high resolution. http://www.flickr.com/photos/16118167@N04/6153605664/sizes/o/in/pool-1472914@N23/

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-army-air-force/47391/p-47-dump

From the dive recovery flaps visible downwind from the wheel-leg slot, the three closest, upside-down aircraft are identifiable as either P-47D-30 or -40 versions. There is a possibility that these aircraft were perfectly flyable before going into the pit. At war’s end, much equipment was destroyed because it was uneconomical to return it. Lend-Lease users had to either Return, Buy or Destroy the loan equipment. Most chose to destroy, especially if it was in a remote part of the world.