Pak 40 of Totenkopf in Russia - German Artillery | Gallery

Pak 40 of Totenkopf in Russia

Pak 40 of Totenkopf Divi in Russia

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Yup, I’d go for the smaller 5-cm Pak 38 as well.

Please correct me if I’m wrong but this appears to be a PAK 38. The rail follower on the left hand side of the breach above the elevating gear(looks like a trombone slide) is completely different to that of the PAK40.

Actually, the first thought I had when I saw this was Pak 97/38. But I can’t make out the end of the gun barrel, and I don’t know enough about other difference between that and the PaK 38 to tell. Are there other visual clues that someone can point out to me?