Pak/Flak with kill markings

i would be greatful if anyone could post some picts of that

Sure why not.

8,8 cm Flak 41 kill marks , this was mounted in a car agregated to the panzerzug 24 in 1943.

Note also the aircraft killmarks painted over the gun barrel

Some more…

Very good ones Flamethrowerguy; I suppose the lowest profile in the third photo indicates bunkers.

Right, bunkers or fortified positions in general.

BTW, the silhouettes look like French Somua S-35, probably these were easy too draw.:wink:

Any ideas as to what the leaves under the 10 depict on the top picture of Flamethrowerguys post? (Post #3)

Yeap is kind of weird, teh profile of the T-34 was more often used.

Navyson. i dont think it had more value/sence than a decorative one, in the tail of Fighter aircraft the oak leaves indicates that the pilot had them for its Knight Cross, but that is not the case with the artillery.

great pictures!!!

Light Waffen-SS AA gun, Norway 1943. It should be obvious to anyone that the sum of kill marks would exceed the grounded planes. Any gun crew involved in the destruction of an enemy aircraft painted a so-called kill mark on their barrel, not only the gun to score the crucial hit.[view]=detail&search[focus]=60

That s a good point to remark, sometimes were collective shot dows, not all the german guns were superguns :cool:

A piece that didnt come out too often in pictures, the heavy 105mm Flak 39 with 9 killmarks.

2 different mobile camo FLAK 88, left behind in Eindhoven (18 september 1944)
with markings.

after de 18th playground for the kids;)

flak 88 Woenselsestraat op 19 sept 1944..jpgFLAk 36.37 eindhoven hamsterstraat.jpg

Can you be a little more specific about what you are looking for? Any particular type of gun or markings? My collection of images undoubtedly includes many guns with kill markings, but there seems little point in adding to what’s here just for the sake of adding more photos…

ive seen many tankbarrels full of rings , that why i ask about pak/flak with rings and markings