"Panchito Pistoles" - Mexican Forces | Gallery

"Panchito Pistoles"

A Philippine Army and Mexican Air Force (FEAM)members admire the representation of "Panchito Pistoles", the mascot of the Escuadron 201, painted on a wing fragment of a Japanese aircraft. "Panchito Pistoles" stared in the Walt Disney film "The Three Caballeros" and was adopted by their unit.(rudeerude)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/mexican-forces/34341/%22panchito-pistoles%22

The airfield at Porac had previously been used by the Japanese and abandoned aircraft and other materiel littered part of the area. Three second lieutenants - Lopez, Vega and Moreno - found the wreck of a Japanese Nakajima Ki-84 fighter, removed its left wing and planted it in the ground, tip-up, at the main entrance to the encampment. Moreno, a pilot who had aspired to a career as an architect before the war, painted the popular cartoon character "Pancho Pistolas" on it. "Pancho", a happy, rowdy Mexican rooster wearing a sombrero and shooting a pair of six-guns, was borrowed from the Walt Disney movie The Three Caballeros. He proved to be an instant hit with the men and became the official squadron mascot.
