Panzer E-79 models.

On you will find under Profils -> Les Projects many nice paintings of the German E-Series further also the Maus and special Vehicles like the Befehlspanther.

I didn´t found a good blueprint or something like that, but those pictures of a model, which shows the E-79 - it looks quite similar to the T-55 Enigma Tank - a mix of the Königstiger, Panther, E-Series Chassis etc.

AW MAN! THAT THING IS AWESOME!!! For some reason, it reminds me of a cross between a Leopard Tank and a Panther Tank…maybe a little bit of an Abrahms to, but not as wide.

It sorta reminds me of the Russian T-34.

Hummmm… are you sure that is a real projekt ?

I have several book on the subject and no one mention this model , the more close is the E-75 wich looks like a big panther.

Well, when nothing says, there was NO E-79, there could have been one? Just a way like you look on it :smiley:

Well anything is possible, aniway is a nice modellers work. :rolleyes:

After a lot of research I found the E-79 Tank, back on page14 was a fictional tank made for the game ‘panzer front’ on the PS1. It looks awesome tho and I was really keen to find a model kit for it… Kinda dissapointed now :frowning:

Half way down page:

Yes is it a fictional projeckt, I think I said that already.

if you look hard enough you might find one!?
There was produced in Japan.

there are some pictures of the finished item here:

The topic “panzer projeckte & prototipes” is exclusively devoted to REAL projeckts , designs and prototipes, is not for modellers discussion, so…moved.