Panzer Lehr Division Panther - US Army | Gallery

Panzer Lehr Division Panther

American Soldier holding a German MP-40 submachine gun stands guard over a destroyed Panther Tank of the Panzer Lehr Division during Operation Cobra, St. Gilles July 1944.

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During the battles in the Normandy Campaign, the Panzer Lahr Division suffered severe losses not only to ground combat, but also to massive Allied air attacks. The division entered the fighting with the following major equipment:
101 Panzer IV tanks
89 Panthers
3 Tiger I tanks
9 StuG III assault guns
31 Jagdpanzer IV tank destroyers
12 Marder 75 mm. self-propelled antitank guns
12 Wespe (105 mm.)
6 Hummel (150 mm.)
12 105 mm. howitzers (towed)
12 152 mm. howitzers (towed) - Soviet
18 88 mm. FLAK
9 20 mm. FLAK
12 20 mm. Flakpanzer 38(t)
After the Normandy fighting, the division was reduced to ~ 20 tanks, very little artillery and only 25% of the original infantry.