Panzerschreck RPzB54 in Russia. - German Forces | Gallery

Panzerschreck RPzB54 in Russia.

Crew of mid-series Panzerschreck RPzB 54 loading the weapon in a firing position in a wrecked house, May-June, 1944. The 'photo clearly shows the relatively large size of this model in comparison to other hand-held infantry anti-tank weapons of the time. (The later RPzB54/1 was somewhat more compact). The thoroughly wrecked state of the house made for an advantage as a firing position; it gave protection and support, without enclosing the large amount of rear exhaust gas produce by a launch that made difficult, if not impossible, to use the weapon indoors. Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I’ve once read of a German, who fired a Panzerfaust (which also produces a big exhaust flame) inside a house. The blast tore down a wall, making the building the collapse and killing the soldier. I’m still trying to remember where I read it.