Paratroopers June 5, 1944 - British Forces | Gallery

Paratroopers June 5, 1944

Boarding of parachutists on a British glider on the evening of June 5, 1944

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To the left are Sqn Ldr Merrick and his navigator, both of whom received the DFC for their part in dropping the first paras onto France at 17 mins past midnight. Along for the ride was Air Vice Marshall Hollingshurst as an unofficial passenger. To the centre is Captain Robert Midwood and to his right in the line is my grandfather.
AW Albermarle Mk5ST V1740 from 295 Sqn, photographed at RAF Harwell. It is a ‘failed’ bomber type that, due to a nosewheel (and strangely a tailwheel also) was useful as a tug aircraft, dropping men from a large hole in the floor. Dropped near Escoville by mistake that night.