Patton Museum visit

I had the very brief moment on Thursday to take about a ten minute tour of the Patton Museum located at Chiraco Summit, California on I-10. It normaly cost $4.00 to get in. We got in free because of the very large detailed topography map that MWD of Southern California donated. It is so detailed it shows Pattons training camps on the map. The museum snapped it up in a heart beat. I am deffinitly going back when I have the chance. I didn’t get a chance to go out in the yards to see all the tanks. Thought I would share my experience. Thanks.

That’s cool there’s one in CA! I only knew of the one in Fort Knox, Kentucky.

Do they have a link?

There’s one of them.

I found this near the museum…

I have seen the Patton Museum and it is nothing worth bragging about. I complained when I went and got my money refunded. I urge all war enthusiasts to not waste your time seeing this place. It was so boring. Rather go see the Herman Goering exhibit in San Diego. Now thats exciting!

Do you like tanks all herman?
Anyhow Thats the second mueseum i would like to visit after Kubinka.

well done gays let me tell you a jokeAn old man named bet365 was in his golden years, but that didn’t stop him from trying to pick up the younger ladies. He went to the local bar, approached a very pretty and very young woman and said, “Where have you been all my life?” The young lady takes one glance at him and says, “For the first half of it, I wasn’t even born yet.” by bet365 have a nice day today