Pavlov's House

Guys I think most of you have heard about the battle for Pavlov’s House. If you haven’t here’s a quick summary:'s_House

I read in books too of the battle, in detail, of how everyday the Russian defenders had to repel German soldiers, engineers, and tanks. What I didn’t understand is why not the Germans just shell the building with artillery, or bomb it with planes ? Anyone ?

May be it was just honour and pride… It has no sense what de germans did, really, so it must be honour and pride…

Sorry, let me rephrase my question… What I meant to ask is, why not the Germans just flatten the place with artillery and planes ? From what I read the Germans suffered a few hundred if not thousands just sieging Pavlov’s house. If it’s me I’ll just stay away and call artillery to flatten the whole building. Did the Germans had a purpose capturing the building ?

If you just bomb or shell a building, you don’t guarantee killing the people inside, and if they live you just make it harder to get in and kill them.

Yeah I understood you the first time. There is no logic in not calling the artilery so, as I said, it must have been pride and honour of the germans of capturing that building…

May be it was a good strategic position nearby the Volga River, may be not. It’s all really strange. :?

Very true BDL, Cassino being a shining example.

Germans want to catch all soviets soldier in that house ,and to tell on speakers how they are win in stalingrad ,they want to broke spirit of soviets soldiers .PROPAGANDA :wink:

i simply don’t understand how the house could’ve been held, or for that matter the small battle occured at all. Seeing the house in that picture, it could’ve easily been flattened by a STuka airstrike or a few dozen 80mm mortor hits.

they want to get them alive .


I tell in my post up here Pavlov house is been ,very important for soviets officers tell young soviets soldiers ,to not scared look pavlovs squad ,for soviets they been heroes germans want to catsh then alive ,and show them soviet’s ,germans think if they do that they broke soviet spirit ,everyone know how soviets fight and been brave in stalingrad.

Always the same stuff: Pride, Honour and Propaganda…

Always propaganda :lol:

Heyy Hosenfield, I just want to add that it wasn’t really a ‘small battle’ int taking Pavlov’s House. It’s more like a ‘little siege’ :slight_smile: I read the Germans sent thousands of soldiers and a few dozen tanks and they’re all destroyed by the defenders in the process :slight_smile:

Yup they destroyd tanks with molotov coctails and bombs :wink:

sorry, i have a hard time believing that 30 men killed thousands of germans with dps, ppshs, and motov cocktails…along wiht 12 tanks…


The names of the defenders of Pavlovs House

hmmm, so every one of these peasants got a painting/sketch of their faces. I guess this house was used for soviet propoganda, much like Prokhorovka myths.

Thats is true ,who knows maybe they have panzerfausts or some alse. :wink:

there wasn’t any panzerfausts in 1942. there was a weapon called the faustpatrone, that was ineffective and issued in very small numbers