PC Games without G-Force Vcard ?????

I have a pc with 2,26 ghz processor, 1ghz RAM and 90 GB hard disk, I use Windows XP.

Any recomendation ? Flight simulator, action shooter or something.

G-Force is an nVidia graphics card type rather than a graphics chip.
You can download this free application if you need more detail about your pc

The following should work (Not guaranteeing they will) on lower settings.
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator WW2 Europe Series
Combat Mission Beyond Overlord and Barbarossa to Berlin
Hidden and Dangerous (First one was released free to promote the second one)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
IL-2 Sturmovik
Soldiers: Heroes of World War II
Secret Weapons Over Normandy
Call of Duty - Original
Medal of Honor - Original
Sudden Strike

They’re off the top of my head, will add more if i remember them.

Thanks very much.

This might interest you too but it’s multiplayer only (I think), never tried it myself.

It’s free

Looks good, have dl-'d, will try it later.
Thanks for the link. :slight_smile:

Kind Regards, Uyraell.

Your welcome.
The game is made on an open source game engine called Spring, there are a few other games made on it but again all multiplayer to my knowledge.
Here’s the link to the main site which has the other games.

The first 3 i also recommend very much , quite interesting and nice games .